The issue of curriculum
development has an important place in the entire field of education. Curriculum
represents the framework of the educational process, and along with the
philosophy of education, it underlies this process. The indispensable role of
curriculum consists in that it provides all the necessary information about a
particular program for which it is designed including its goals and objectives,
the program policy, methodology and mode of instruction, evaluation techniques,
and the program outcomes. That is why, curriculum, when effectively constructed,
plays a very important role in setting the whole learning process on a better
understanding of goals and objectives pursued in a program. Thus, if a
curriculum is effectively designed, it can facilitate the educational process,
enhance students' abilities to learn efficiently, and even help them overcome
challenges that learners face while learning (Diamond, 2008).
The problem of effective
curriculum design is becoming more and more important in the field of adult
education. This issue is important for several reasons. Adult learners tend to
be more independent and self-reliant in their learning. "The learner is
self-directing" (Knowles, 1984, p. 9). Besides, other educators such as Brookfield (1986) emphasized that being self-directing, adults are able to control their
learning. Also, as adults mature and accumulate more life experience, they develop
their self-concept. "Their self-concept becomes that of a self-directing
personality. They see themselves as being able to make their own decisions and
face the consequences, to manage their own lives" (Knowles, 1980, p. 45).
Adults are more intrinsically motivated than traditional students, and they can
therefore self-direct their learning process (Merriam, Caffarella, &
Baumgartner, 2007). Thus, curriculum designed for adult students should be more
learner-oriented and inclusive. Moreover, curriculum designed for adult
learners should be more practice-oriented as adults have a wide range of
personal experiences that can be a basis for, and incorporated into, their
learning (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2003).
Evidence from research
suggests that adult learners constitute a special category of learners that
differentiates them from traditional college students. Various scholars and
educators investigated adult learning process and hence pointed out adult
learners' peculiarities. For example, Smith (1982) stated the following in
regard to adult characteristics as learners:
Adults are characterized
by a special orientation to life, living, education, and learning; a relatively
rich experience base to draw on and cope with; different developmental changes
and tasks than preadults; and their own brand of anxiety and ambivalence. These
essential characteristics generate some optimum conditions for adult learning.
(p. 47)
Merriam, Caffarella, and
Baum-gartner (2007) provided a holistic view on adults as learners as well as
summarized other scholars' viewpoints characterizing adult learning. Adult
learners are considered those who are twenty-five years old or older and
nowadays this population is steadily growing among college students all over
the world. Thus, the issues concerning adult education and adult learning are
becoming more and more important in the educational system. Actually, this is
the reason why adult education has been differentiated as a separate filed of
educational sciences.
Before discussing the
peculiarities of adult learners, I think it is necessary to delineate some
philosophical foundations that underlie the process of adult learning. Elias
and Merriam (2005) analyzed the philosophical foundations of adult education
that can be used to determine what content should be included in the curriculum
from a certain philosophical perspective. As I see it, the following philosophical
theories can be best applied in adult learning. The first one is progressivism,
which stresses the importance of the learner-centered approach and implementing
theory in practice. Thus, according to Merriam and Brockett (2007), the progressive
philosophy emphasizes “a focus on learners and their needs and experiences
rather than on predetermined content” as well as “a shift from teacher as
authority figure to teacher as facilitator of learning” (p. 36). The second
educational philosophy is humanism. Humanistic education strives for developing
a self-actualizing person. It is also learner-oriented and centered around
individual freedom, the learner's responsibility and his / her
self-directedness. In the humanistic learning process, the teacher plays a role
of facilitator and guide. In other words, the educator's role is to provide
favorable conditions in which learning takes place (Elias & Merriam, 2005).
Moreover, the humanistic learning process highlights the significance of
intrinsic motivation, which also reflects the nature of self-directed learning.
Speaking about the intrinsic character of motivation in humanistic learning,
Elias and Merriam (2005) stated that "motivation is not something put upon
learners, it emanates from the learner" (p. 128). Finally, the third
philosophical concept that can be effectively applied to adult learning is
critical theory. This philosophy challenges the traditional way of the
teaching-learning process. Therefore, according to the basic principles of
critical theory, the main goal of education is to liberate, transform, and
empower adult learners in order to make them mature citizens of their society
(Elias & Merriam, 2005). In critical theory, the traditional role of the
learner and teacher is challenged as well. Thus, the learner is not a passive
object that acquires knowledge formulated and transmitted by the teacher. The
learner is placed in the center of the educational process. Therefore, only in
this case can education be effective bringing about liberation of and
transformation in the learner's self.
Given the aforementioned
philosophical tenets of adult education and learning, it becomes possible to
identify the characteristics of adults as learners. The most distinct features
of adult learners are autonomy and self-directedness. According to Tennant
(1991), the idea of autonomous and self-directed learning is firmly established
in the adult education literature. It implies that adult students are able to
set goals and objectives, choose appropriate learning resources, determine
their learning styles and strategies as well evaluate their learning outcomes
individually. In other words, adult learners are more responsible for their
learning than traditional college students and they are also self-reliant in
choice of techniques and procedures for their learning. Further, adults are
able to make critical judgments about their learning process (Chene, as cited
in Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007). Approaching their learning
from the critical perspective, adults can identify and challenge their
drawbacks as well as reinforce their strengths in the learning process. This enables
adults to monitor and direct their learning.
Another characteristic
that differentiates adults from traditional college students is life
experience. In comparison with children and adolescents, adults have more
experiences because they live longer. What is more, adults have different kinds
of life experiences, which are organized differently depending on the age, educational,
social, and other backgrounds of adults. In addition, adults construct their
self-identity through experience. According to Knowles (as cited in Merriam, Caffarella,
& Baumgartner, 2007), "Adults derive their self-identity from their
experience. They define who they are in terms of the accumulation of their
unique sets of experiences" (p. 423). Possessing richer life experiences,
adult learners can represent a good source of knowledge and skills as well.
Thus, they are able to contribute not only to their learning but also to other
adults' learning. Following this idea, adult educators have an opportunity to
base their explanations on adult learners' previous experiences. In this way,
teachers can link the known with the unknown. Lastly, the experiences adults
possess can be scrutinized from the critical perspective that allows for adult
learners' critical thinking and reflection (Tennant, 1991).
self-directedness, and rich life experiences of adult learners are closely
interrelated with their motivation. This is another important feature of adult
learners that should be taken into account. Adults are more goal-oriented and
self-motivated, thus they know what they are supposed to learn and what they
should know about a particular knowledge area in which they are interested. As adults
in general are more mature than the young, they have developed a more
elaborated set of attitudes, needs, and competences that ensure adults' better
understanding of the reasons why they need to learn something new and how they
will benefit from new knowledge and skills in the future. As stated by
Wlodkowski (1985), attitudes can be a powerful means that determine human
behavior and learning since with the help of attitudes adults are able to identify
a particular behavior that can be most effective in dealing with a problem or
challenge the adult learner faces. Also, adults' needs play the role of
internal incentives that can be a driving force for a person to pursue a goal.
Thus, adults' attitudes and needs are transformed into desires, which make a person
aware of a particular goal he / she wants to achieve (Wlodkowski, 1985).
Overall, based on the
aforementioned views, it can be concluded that adult education is perceived as
a separate field of general education nowadays. Adult learners possess certain
characteristics that differentiate them from traditional college students.
Being autonomous, self-directed, intrinsically motivated and having life
experiences enables them to greatly contribute to curriculum development. Given
this perspective as well as the philosophical principles outlined above, adult
educators will be able to construct more effective curriculum for adult learners.
The learner-centered
approach to curriculum design is drawing more attention of adult educators
nowadays. The reason is that more educators and scholars have to admit that
today's education can be characterized as lacking coherence, poorly structured,
and outdated (Diamond, 2008). Also, at the present time education functions as
a market, it abides by the market rules and regulations and is influenced by
the market. That is to say, it is not an exaggeration that education has become
a commodity in the 21st century. In this case, to be more marketable and competitive,
adult and higher education institutions have to reconsider their educational
policies and be more learner-oriented in order to attract more students.
Moreover, the shift towards student-centeredness will provide more effective
and sustainable educational outcomes.
Following this idea,
Diamond (2008) suggested a model of curriculum design, which starts with the
assessment of learners' needs. According to this model, the first step in the
process of curriculum development is needs assessment. Actually, learners'
needs can be assessed in three domains: in terms of the student, community, and
field of knowledge. The second step is stating the goals, which should be
stated from general to specific. This way of goal setting provides a logical
sequence and it can be gradually narrowed towards specific needs of particular
learners. After goals and objectives of a program are set, the next step is
designing instruction and assessment techniques. According to Diamond (2008),
this stage of curriculum design is important to consider especially in terms of
evaluation because "many of us [educators] feel to discuss assessment before
we have agreed on the goals for the program or course" (p. 11). Further,
the next step in this sequence of curriculum design is implementation and
assessment that are referred back to the goal setting stage and proceed to the
revision stage eventually. Referring implementation and assessment back to the
statement of goals is a very important part of this process as it enables
educators to adjust specific goals if needed and thus makes the curriculum more
Another curriculum model
that can be successfully implemented in adult education is Houle's curriculum
model (as cited in Langenbach, 1993). According to this model, an educational
activity is identified first. Second, the decision making process based on the
identified activity includes goals and objectives setting which is followed by
designing an appropriate learning format. Greater importance is stressed in
terms of fitting a particular learning format into life patterns, therefore
learning activities should be tied to the learner's life experiences. Overall,
such a learning plan is put into effect and then the learning results are
evaluated in the final stage of the learning process. Hence, coherent and
logical, one of the advantages of this model is that it may be utilized in a
broad variety of learning settings that can be both formal and non-formal.
Houle's curriculum model
can be slightly modified by adding the stage of adult learners' needs
assessment. Basically, the models outlined above represent a useful piece of
information on curriculum development in the field of adult education. Indeed,
one of the most important things in the process of curriculum development is
focusing on meeting adult learners' needs. This aspect is meaningful to both
planning and design of curriculum and sustaining learners' interest, hence
keeping them motivated and inclusive in the teaching-learning process. In spite
of the fact that there is a great diversity of adult learners which implies
that they have different needs, Deci and Ryan (as cited in Sell, 2008) proposed
the model of needs in terms of self-determination theory. This model is
considered universal because it determines common needs of all adults.
Following this, the model outlines the need for competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
Accordingly, in terms of
competence adults tend to connect this need with self-efficacy as they believe
they will be able to perform certain tasks upon achieving competence in a
particular field in which they are interested. That is why, the need for
competence is one of the basic needs adult strive to achieve caused by professional
or personal incentives to develop. Also, competence is often associated with
self-actualization of adults since becoming more competent, adults feel more
independent of external societal circumstances. Thus, "effective
educational programs for adults (a) build on competences that learners already
possess and (b) focus objectives on knowledge and skills to be acquired or
further developed" (Sell, 2008, p. 260).
As for the second
universal need for autonomy, it stresses the importance of a learner's choices
and the way they are organized in a sequence. In this case, adults by
themselves can determine the reasons why they need to acquire certain knowledge
and skills in order to improve their professional and personal characteristics.
This fact implies that adult learners value flexibility in their choices, which
also determines what, where, when, and how they want to be involved in the learning
process. Therefore, an autonomous learner can be defined as being independent
in their learning environment, able to make appropriate choices and then
critically reflect on them, and also regulate their level of autonomy depending
on a certain learning context and circumstances (Chene, as cited in Merriam,
Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007).
The third basic need for
relatedness "signifies a sense of belonging or affiliation with
others" (Sell, 2008, p. 260). It is quite evident because a human is a social
being and connections with other members of society in which a person lives and
which secures his / her relationships with other people. This is especially
valuable in the adult classroom as establishing connections with other
classmates provides a basis for collaborative learning. As a result of
collaborative learning, the adult learner has a great opportunity to engage in
various types of communication and develop friendship with other adults
participating in learning projects. Moreover, if appropriately addressed, the
need for relatedness can significantly contribute to enhancing the
effectiveness of the learning process in case students are included in
respectful learning environments and feel they are trusted and supported by
other group members who are open-minded and welcome each individual's
self-expression (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2010).
As is known, an
effective curriculum should be coherent and have a well-structured sequence of
its constituents such as stating goals and objectives, developing appropriate
learning tasks and techniques, establishing learning outcomes, and designing
the program assessment. Diamond (2008) suggested that all the goals should be
distributed into two categories: basic and specific. The basic goals represent
those knowledge and skills that should be acquired by all the learners upon
their graduation. Speaking about a particular program, basic goals are usually
set for required courses. For example, based on my teaching experience, the EFL
Teaching program requires that students be competent in English for basic language
skills, i.e. they should be highly proficient in listening, speaking, reading,
and writing abilities. Also, students should know methods of teaching English
as a foreign language from the theoretical and practical perspectives, as well
as they should possess good knowledge of pedagogy / andragogy and human
psychology. As for the specific goals, they can be determined by individual
learners based on their needs assessment. Thus, specific goals are usually outlined
for elective courses. Again, I can provide an example from my teaching
experience: students who major in the EFL Teaching program are allowed to gain
additional knowledge in translation techniques, public speaking skills,
English-speaking country studies (geography, history, economy, political
systems, and culture of the English-speaking countries), and the like. Accordingly,
depending on the specific fields students choose, they elaborate particular
learning goals for each of the field. That is why, it is very important for an
educator to ensure that the elements of the curriculum, both required and
elective, combine to make all the goals achievable.
Moving from goals
setting to the implementation of concrete instructional techniques, careful
planning is important as well. For example, if a basic goal is to develop
speaking skills, teaching public speaking also must be incorporated into the
educational process (Diamond, 2008). Thus, goals should be linked to the
content of a program in terms of its learning instructions, techniques, and
procedures. Furthermore, it is necessary to arrange content in a logical
sequence as failing to do so will lead to abrupt transitions in learning tasks,
which results in the learner's distorted knowledge. Therefore, sequencing the
content may be a challenging task since there are various ways to arrange it in
a logical and coherent order (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2010).
In a coherent
curriculum, the statement of learning outcomes provides a detailed description
of knowledge and skills the learner should be able to possess to achieve the
goals outlined in a curriculum. It is important for educators in this case to
take into account the learner's prerequisite knowledge and skills in order to
better connect them with the present learning outcomes and facilitate the
learning process. Further, ongoing assessment will be helpful in monitoring the
effectiveness of the entire learning process. This kind of assessment is a
useful tool as it provides a better insight into the program advantages that
can be reinforced and on the other hand to minimize its negative aspects
(Russ-Eft & Preskill, 2009).
To sum up, this article
provided only a brief description of some aspects of curriculum development for
adult learners. They all stressed the importance of taking into account the
learner-centered approach based on meeting learners' needs. Although curriculum
developers still face challenges from various economic, political, and cultural
domains, the field of adult teaching and learning is gradually shifting from
traditional teacher-centered methods to structuring the educational process
around the learner taking into account their personal, professional, and psychological
characteristics. Overall, the literature review and its analysis along with the
teaching experience provided in the article may serve as a source for further
development of this field of study.
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