Peculiarities of legal regulation of transnational corporations
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012
Author: Kunanbayeva Gulmira, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
Interrelated reaction of rapid growth of direct investment, the
interrelation of scientific, commercial and industrial activities of economic
branches and national borders is connected to establishment of giant
international companies with branches in different countries and continents. In
English speaking countries, the term "Corporation" is defined as a
joint-stock company.
Transnational corporations (hereinafter: TNC) have become the main
driving force of economic globalization.
Validating the place of transnational corporations in the process of
economic globalization, we would like to highlight the importance of these
subjects on the international level, the concept, characteristics, types of
TNC, and the need to study and improve the legal regulation of their
The role of TNC in the process of globalization is ambiguous. On the
one hand, they are important in the improvement of the world economy, giving a
chance to developing countries to raise national economy, acting as a host country,
on the other hand, TNC sharpen contradiction between these levels of the
economy; encourage the growth of monopolies through mergers and acquisitions.
As a result, the competition comes to a rivalry of commercial and industrial giants,
making it difficult to new producers to enter the world market.
According to the statistics of UNCTAD, transnational corporations control
50.7% of the production of electrical and electronic equipment and computers in
the world, 48.4% of automobile industry, 53.3% of oil and mining, 78.9% of food
production, beverages and tobacco; 58.4% of chemical industry, 62.4% of
pharmaceutical industry, 43.5% of iron and steel industry, 73.2% of
construction sector [1].
The problem of legal regulation of TNC is topical issue in Kazakhstan. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized
that large foreign transnational corporations are expanding their operation in
the country. "In this connection it is necessary to pay special attention
to the protection of rights of working Kazakhstani citizens. Companies
operating on the territory of our country must respect its laws and trade
unions should be actively involved in issues of working hours and pay
equity" [2].
Scheglov S.S. defined the concept of TNC as the following: a
transnational corporation is a group of related entities, their offices and
affiliates, established and operating under the laws of several (two or more)
countries, characterized by the presence of the central structure, which provides
a single management of its members by participating in the property relations
over prevailing equity capital stake (parent enterprises and their foreign
affiliates), the merger agreement of assets in order to create a group or functioning
of an investment fund of a company [3].
The country where a head office is located or where the corporation
was initially established is a home country.
The characteristic of TNC is a combination of central management
with a certain degree of self-sufficiency of affiliates located in different
countries but in their turn being an integral part of a corporation.
Taking into account that the definition of the concept
"transnational corporation" affect the interests of many countries, a
compromise version of the definition of "TNC" in the Commission on
Transnational Corporations of the United Nations says that TNC is a company comprising
affiliates in two or more countries, regardless the legal form and fields of activity
, which operates within the framework of making decisions and is able to
conduct policy and implement a common strategy by one or more centers, where
the individual units are connected by ownership or otherwise, so that one or
more of them may have a significant influence over the others, and in
particular to share knowledge, resources and responsibility with others [4].
Thus, TNC is a huge network of enterprises, related by industrial
and commercial characteristics, controlled by the head office, the operation of
which is beyond the national regulation, under the impact of the legal systems
of different countries, contributing to the increase of internationalization of
the world.
Among economists, there is no single concept of transnational
corporations. There are three schools based on different factors and facts
determining the different ways of establishments and development of TNC.
Concepts (Schools):
- School of stage development.
- School of direct investment.
- School of global development.
It should be mentioned that each concept has its drawbacks. This is
one of the reasons that scientists are still trying to develop new theories to
explain the development, formation of corporations on the basis of the analysis
of other previously unexamined factors [5]. Velyaminov G.M. identified the
following features of TNC, regarding legal aspects: firstly, formally it is an
enterprise controlling its foreign affiliates, and which is under the national
jurisdiction of the respective countries. In fact, TNC is a multinational and
transnational enterprise.
Secondly, another feature is that the foreign offices of TNC, its
affiliates, subsidiaries, under the jurisdiction of the receiving country
registered there formally and is an enterprise of the receiving country, but in
fact, is foreign, as its connection, the dependence on foreign head of TNC is
much more complex and important than the receiving country.
Thirdly, special feature of TNC is the fact that in many cases,
usually the parent company of TNC conducts negotiations directly with the host
countries, or potentially host, or just countries as business partners [6].
After Lunts L.A., Boguslavsky M.M. distinguished and characterized
three types of TNC.
The first group includes national societies, trusts, companies with
numerous foreign affiliates and subsidiaries. This means monopolies with
national capital and global market.
The second group of transnational corporations is trusts and
concerns, which are international, not only by industries, but also by the
capital. In contrast to the monopoly of the first group, they belong to the
capital of several countries.
A common feature of these two groups is that both monopolies are
established as a legal entity of one country. In other countries, both
monopolies have numerous branches, affiliates, and subsidiaries.
Finally, the third group includes numerous international monopolies
and cartels, syndicates and associations of industrial and
scientific-technical, non-legal entities [7].
The following types of transnational corporations are distinguished:
- Horizontally integrated corporations with enterprises which produce
most of the products. For example, automobile manufacture in the U.S., or enterprise network "Fast Food".
- Vertically integrated corporations that are under one owner, and
under the control of a single most important areas in the production of the final
product. In particular, in the oil industry crude production is often carried
out in one country, refining - in another, and the sale of finished petroleum
products - in third countries.
- Diversified transnational corporations, which include national companies
with vertical and horizontal integration. A typical example of this type of
corporation is a Swedish corporation Nestle, which has 95% of its production
abroad and carries on restaurant business, food production, sales of cosmetics,
wines etc. The number of such companies in recent years is growing rapidly [8].
Directly covering the aspect of legal regulation of TNC, it seems
that the most successful model is that one proposed by Dmitriyeva G.K., which
distinguishes three levels: national legislation, bilateral and multilateral
agreements [9].
Domestic regulation implies that branches and subsidiaries of TNC
comply with national legislation of the host country. In most cases, this is an
investment legislation to define the legal status of the foreign investor: a
person or entity. However, the most vulnerable point in the unilateral
regulation of TNC is that, thanks to its organizational structure, it is able
to avoid control by a single country. Therefore, national law of this country
is not enough for the regulation of TNC.
Meanwhile, at this level, there is another problem. As the
affiliates of TNC implement policies of the parent enterprise, it is necessary
to take into account the impact of the legislation of the country where they
are based. So national legislation of receiving countries regulate operation of
TNC, not making much distinction between TNC and national companies. National
companies make attempts to extend the application of domestic legislation to
the company offices abroad.
Thus, there are problems of domestic regulation of TNC, firstly, the
desire of TNC to extend domestic law to overseas affiliates and secondly,
insufficiency of national legislation of receiving countries.
The second level of regulation is bilateral investment agreements
concluded between the countries.
In addition, it should be emphasized that the specific nature of TNC
complicates supervision by separate countries or groups of countries. Today, no
country can claim that it has jurisdiction over all parts of the same
transnational company overall. It is therefore evident that the effective
management of the operation of transnational corporations requires joint action
by all countries.
Finally, the third level of regulation of TNC is the multilateral
treaties, which can be universal, regional and sub-regional, depending on the
number of participating countries [10].
In practice, a parent enterprise controls its affiliates in the
following ways:
- prevailing equity capital stake. In foreign affiliates of TNC the
parent company's share is more than 10% of the shares or their equivalent;
- Possession of the necessary resources (technology, natural
resources, etc.);
- The appointment of staff in key positions;
- Information (marketing, science and technology, etc.);
- Special arrangements, such as sale market guarantee;
- Informal mechanisms [11].
Legal regulation of TNC is at the national level of the country of
placement. But it should be taken into account that TNC is alliance of legal
entities of different countries, and they are endowed with legal personality
under the laws of different countries. Consequently, the TNC cannot be the
object of the regulation of certain national legislation, neither where the
parent company and the headquarters are nor where affiliates and branches of
TNC are. On this basis, concept of legal regulation of TNC should be carried
out not only on the national but also international level. TNC should be
considered not just as an ordinary commercial enterprise, but a special kind of
international institution, if not legally but in fact, have the same power as a
country does.
International regulation of TNC as special institutions is only
possible because of the specific features of the operation of such
corporations, while covering several countries. Therefore, there is a need to
grant TNC the status of international entities, which will automatically
exclude them out of national jurisdiction. But it is impossible, as the
international legal entities are those established on the basis of an international
treaty or on the basis of national legislation adopted in accordance with the
international agreement. The two do not meet the criteria for TNC, therefore,
cannot have the status of an international legal entity.
If national legislation is insufficient and international standards
cannot be applied to regulate the operation of transnational corporations, it
is worthwhile to establish the third legal system, along with international and
domestic law, for example, the international transnational law. The theory of
this branch of law already exists. The meaning of the concept of transnational
law, according to a famous lawyer on international relations Shumilova V.M., is
that the parties of international relations regulate their norms of behavior
that are beyond the scope of domestic law and not covered by domestic or
international law. Because of the international nature of TNC it is appropriate
to regulate operation of TNC on the international level, which will have a
number of advantages [12].
The draft Code of Conduct for TNC has been worked out in the United
Nations for a quarter century but not adopted yet. Taking legal and procedural
steps to adopt the Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations of the United
Nations has failed in the 1980s.
In the 1999 "Global Compact", the Secretary General of the
United Nations has a different view. This "Agreement" is not a legal
document or a regulatory Code of Conduct, but a platform based on a common set
of values and designed to promote the exchange of institutional knowledge.
This "Agreement" is the basis for improving interaction
between TNC and receiving countries by means of transparency and dialogue to
find out and extend practice based on universal principles.
This "Agreement" includes nine principles drawn from the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Fundamental
Principles and Rights, ILO Employment, and the Declaration of Environment and
Development, comprising the Rio de Janeiro principles. In this "Agreement",
companies are encouraged to adopt these principles in their corporate areas.
Agreement " also encourages efforts to increase the contribution of FDI
development [13].
Today, TNC control one third of the world industrial production and
give one third of world exports. The main part of TNC and investments are owned
by the U.S., EU and Japan.
The leaders of the world's capital markets are the U.S., UK, Japan, Germany, France and other EU countries, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan [14].
A strong base to oppose financial and economic shocks is formed
thanks to TNC. Unique corporate strategies, extending with great success is due
to the ability to be a leader on the global stage in the economic and political
spheres, the dynamics of innovation, dedication of skilled labour and effective
work of the governing bodies.
Giant companies act as a center, a core of a new area of the world
post-industrial economy.
However, the impact of TNC on the economy of countries increases
quite rapidly, which, of course, leads to the fact that having a huge financial
accountability and powerful political support, large corporations are able to
dictate terms to competitors in their field, as well as to countries.
Monopolization undeniably has a detrimental effect on any economy,
and the only solution, in our point of view, is the work of competition
authorities at all levels of the political structure of the world, the adoption
of the Code of Conduct for TNC and regulation of operation of large enterprises
both at the international and at the national level in order to prevent abuse
of the benefits of the industrial giants.
To sum up, taking into account both positive and negative influences
of transnational corporations on the world economy in a globalized world, the
need to improve the legal regulation of these giants should not be neglected.
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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012