Author: Zavalko Nadezhda, East Kazakhstan State University in honor of S. Amanzholov, Kazakhstan
Under the conditions of the emerging
democratic society, contemporary social and political realias, integration of
the CIS countries into an international community, issues of civil awareness
development as an integrative personal quality have acquired particular
importance, when a person feels socially, morally, legally and politically
capable. It is emphasized a lot in state documents of Russia and Kazakhstan.
In the President's Message to the People of
Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan-2030. Prosperity, Security and Ever-Growing Welfare of
all the Kazakhstanis" N.A. Nazarbayev has pointed out that without unity and
strive for independence, civil awareness and patriotism other parts of the
strategy focused on independence establishment will be very difficult to implement.
The goal of the State Program "Patriotic Up-brining of Russian Citizens for
2006-2010" is to improve the system of patriotic education, to develop Russia as a free democratic state, to instill high patriotic awareness, civil
consciousness, loyalty to the Motherland and readiness to fulfill
constitutional duties in the Russian citizens. A priority course of development
of the Program is patriotic upbringing of the younger generation – children and
youth. In this respect the main focus is on the work of educational
institutions as integral centers of joint educational activities of the school,
family and social organizations.
In the laws "About Education" of the
Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan up bringing of civil awareness,
patriotism, respect to human rights and freedoms, love to environment, Motherland,
family is emphasized among main principles of the state policy in the area of
education. In current conditions it is impossible to apply them if high school
students do not consider themselves citizens with certain rights and
obligations, i.e. if students of secondary schools lack civil awareness. The
difficulty of implementation of this principle is stipulated by the fact that
due to insufficient resources and savings, the CIS countries, including Kazakhstan and Russia, became even more dependent from foreign investors, private and international
financial institutions. Hardships that took place at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century: decline in earnings and life
standard of the most citizens, poverty, crime, unemployment, inflation caused
by recession and transition from central planning to a free market have led to
the growth of socially dangerous phenomena, such as neglect of universal human
values, preference of material values over spiritual, demoralization, political
apathy, aggression, violence, nationalistic misconceptions, attempts to solve
social tensions by using power, alcoholism, drug addiction. It happened at the
same time when community and recreation centers started to collect admission
fees, non-profit organizations for small children and youngsters disappeared,
educational institutions lost their self-government functions, when the old forms
of upbringing were still in place and there was no connection between classroom
and extracurricular activities on teaching civil awareness in the majority of
Development of the basic personality
characteristics of a high school graduate, his/her social activism and responsibility
requires new positioning of the system of civil education, renewal and improvement
of its forms, methods and means. In this connection professionally organized
civil education of the younger generation, its solid citizenship and public
stance in the framework of combined classroom and extracurricular activities
are becoming the issues of current concern. They also include such issues as
reopening of social organizations for young people, propaganda of legal
knowledge and healthy lifestyle, preventive measures of alcoholism and drug
addiction. According to the model that we developed, civil consciousness of
high school graduates is considered through the perception of himself/herself
as a personality, the citizen of his own family, school, Motherland, planet.
These social spheres have direct influence on the development of civil
awareness in high school students. As one of the components of civil
consciousness and consciousness in the whole is knowledge and perception of
himself/herself, we think it is appropriate to use such methods of data
collection as analysis of documents and results of activities (in this case it
is students' essays), a questionnaire and an interview to study the development
of civil awareness. We think using these methods we can reach our goal because
only a person himself can fully express his self consciousness through his own
judgments, evaluations, thoughts, definitions and his own attitude. Every
person is not just a son or a daughter of his parents but also of his/her
Motherland. A true citizen of his Motherland is characterized by civil
awareness, patriotism, when he/she is proud for his country's achievements,
gets upset if it fails, respects its historical past, carefully keeps the
nation's memory, national traditions, willfully works in favor of the state, is
ready to protect it. We used answers of the high school students to the
questionnaire and interview, conducted content-analysis of their essays to determine
the degree of development of their civil awareness. 326 students of the 10-11th grades of Ust-Kamenogorsk schools (Kazakhstan) and 287 students of Novosibirsk city (Russia) participated in our research. 67.2% of respondents answered
positively to the question "Do you consider yourself a citizen of Kazakhstan, a patriot of your Motherland?" It was difficult for 17% of the students to
answer the question, 15.8% of the students answered negatively. The number of
students who do not consider themselves as Kazakhstan citizens is quite high,
however it is reassuring, that 67.2% of the participants point out that they
consider Kazakhstan their Motherland and themselves as citizens and patriots of
their state. Besides, 31% of the students to the question: "Which rules do you
try to follow in your life?" gave the following answer: "The most important is
to be useful to the people in your own country". To prove that most high school
students consider themselves Kazakhstan citizens we would like to give quotes
from 56 mini essays on the topic: "What do you think about patriotism in Kazakhstan". Analysis of the essays has shown that only 2 people pointed out that they did
not consider themselves as Kazakhstan citizens. While 54 students think of
themselves as citizens of their Republic and show solid citizenship through
their attitude to their country and civil consciousness through realization of
good points of their Motherland, pride for their country and their President,
confidence in the fact that in the future Kazakhstan will become one of the greatest
countries of the world. Analysis has shown that there are many statements as
the following: "It seems to me that there are real preconditions for Kazakhstan to become a powerful empire", "I am proud of my Motherland and President", "Our
country has many merits that we can be proud of", "Kazakhstani patriotism
exists. Many Kazakhstani people consider themselves patriots. I also belong to
them. Patriotism is love to your Motherland and duty to the country. I love my
Motherland, my city. My goal in life is to make Kazakhstan better place", "Now
Kazakhstan is quite young, independent and free state, and all difficulties and
problems that exist are temporary. We are proud of our Motherland! Our future
is in our hands!" and etc. To the question of the questionnaire: "Do you
consider yourself a citizen of Russia, a patriot of your Motherland?" 86% of
the respondents answered "yes", 8% had some difficulties in answering this
question and 6% answered "no".
In the model that we developed among the
main factors of civil awareness we distinguished readiness and ability to
protect and defend our Motherland. It is encouraging that in spite of existing
problems and growing unpopularity of the military service only 22.1% of
respondents do not want to serve in the army and will try to avoid it. At the
same time others who were questioned have positive attitude to military
service. ("I will go to the army with pleasure", "I will perform my duty as a
citizen", "I consider military service as my duty to my Motherland", etc.),
excluding 16.2% of young men who consider military service a heavy duty, however
they agree to fulfill it as it is still their duty.
Among the basic characteristics of loyalty
to the country and Motherland we pointed out knowledge and respect to the history,
culture, traditions of his/her own country and will to study them; knowledge
and respect of the country's constitution, symbols, knowledge and perception of
his/her own duties and obligations of the citizen and readiness to fulfill
them. Though the number of positive answers to the question on these points was
quite high – 61.7%, in our opinion, the fact that 21% of the students had
difficulties in answering them and 17.3% answered negatively, accentuates the
need in ethno cultural education of the young people in these two countries,
putting the emphasis on up bringing for the formation of a poly cultural
To the question of the questionnaire: "How
well do you know the constitution of your country, basic rights and obligations
of the citizens?" – 34% answered "Very well", 35.7% "Well enough", "23.2%" "Not
well", 7.1% - "Almost do not know".
In the essays on the topic "If I were the
President of my country" civil awareness was demonstrated in realization of the
country's problems, in the worry for the country's future, empathy for the surrounding
people, and pride for the state's achievements.
Besides, students' civil awareness was
expressed in the interest to the past and future of their country, its culture:
in the need to renew traditions, restore cultural monuments; in the aspiration
to do something for their country's prosperity, citizens' welfare. Having done
content analysis of the essays we received the following results: 43.6% were
concerned with the problems of secondary and higher education, 23% were
suggesting to increase the amount of pension, salary to doctors and teachers
("Our country's future depend on them"); 57.1% were suggesting to solve poverty
and unemployment problems (It is necessary to create new jobs, build new plants
and enterprises"). 21% of high school students were suggesting to change
government officials, deceiving the country and its people, replace them by
honest people; 27.3% were offering to introduce new laws that would not violate
the rights and freedoms of the citizens; 54.6% of students expressed concern
over ecological problems; 36.5% were suggesting to develop culture and
traditions of the country. Drug addiction, AIDS, crime problems concerned 41.4%
of the respondents: 47% suggested the necessity to develop national industry
("It is necessary to develop those areas of industry which are vitally
important, stop export of metals abroad), 78.8% of students in their essays
wrote about promotion of peace in the Republic ("Kazakhstan (Russia) is our
mutual home and we should live peacefully in it").
We used content-analysis method while
studying essays on the topic: "What pleases me and what worries me" of the
students of the 10-11th grades of Novosibirsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk
city. According to the accepted technique of content analysis (determination of
units of analysis, allocation of their indicators in the text, statistic
processing), we started to analyze the texts from allocation of conceptual
units. We defined the students' attitude to the country (Motherland) as a
conceptual unit. As one and the same meaning can be expressed by different
words we had to find all possible forms of expression of the same meaning in
the texts, i.e. to find the characteristics or indicators of this unit of
analysis. As indicators we used collocations, expressing certain meaning, for
example, such as "concern over ecological problems", "concerned with the
position of retired people", etc.
The final stage of content-analysis is
statistical processing, when the frequency of usage of allocated indicators is
calculated. We compared data collected from analysis of essays with the results
of the questionnaire. Calculation was made according to the formula: K= C*100% /S, where K
is "the weight" of the conceptual unit, C is the number of indicators of the
conceptual unit, S - is the number of essays.
Having conducted content analysis of the
essays we have calculated that the number of indicators of the allocated conceptual
unit (attitude to Motherland) is 159. Consequently, Ê=
159*100% / 287, "the weight" of the conceptual unit is Ê=
55.4%. As we see, 55.4% of high school students demonstrated their civil awareness
in their attitude to their Motherland and country in the essays which are not
directly connected with such concepts as the country, Motherland. They showed
their civil awareness through writing about problems existing in the country,
concerns over the future of their country, empathy to the people surrounding
them: "I am concerned with the crime rate in Russia, terrorism, bribery,
corruption, hazing in the army, low level of medicine and education"; "My
concern is an environment pollution", "I am disturbed that there are too many
homeless people without a family or home"; "More and more students worry about
drug addiction problem. It is impossible to get to your own apartment –
syringes are everywhere on the stairs". Besides high school students are aware
of the problems existing in Russia and Kazakhstan and even offer some variants
of their solution.
The research has shown that cognitive and
emotional components of civil awareness in high school students are developed
in higher degree than practical component, the evidence of which is low
participation of the students in certain tasks and to some extent can be
explained by the absence of organizations for young people and weak involvement
of students in student government.
Thus we can make a conclusion that it is necessary to continue
research in this field, focusing on the educational methods that will optimally
contribute to the development of civil awareness in high school students.
Results of our research prove that civil awareness to some degree is
developed in Russian and Kazakhstani high school students. In the framework of
our research we have defined three levels of civil awareness development: the
first level is low, the second level is medium and the third level is high. In
accordance with the developed model of civil consciousness of high school
students these levels combine cognitive, emotional and practical components.
This data will be published later.