For several centuries free trade has always been viewed as the best
trade policy among countries. Blinder [1992] states that despite this
intellectual barrage, many “practical” men and women continued to view the case
for free trade sceptically, as an abstract argument made by ivory tower
economists with, at most, one foot on terra firma. This point of view was based
upon the convincement that industries had to be protected from foreign
competition. Blinder [1992] says that the divergence between economists’
beliefs and those of men and women on the street seems to arise in making the
leap from individuals to nations. In running our personal affairs, virtually
all of us exploit the advantages of free trade and comparative advantage
without thinking twice.
The value of free trade was first observed and documented by Adam
Smith. In 1776 he wrote in his “The Wealth of Nations”: “If a foreign country
can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better
buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a
way in which we have some advantage”. Free trade is a system in which goods,
capital, and labour flow freely between nations, without barriers which could
hinder the trade process. Many nations have free trade agreements, and several
international organizations promote free trade between their members. There are
a number of arguments both for and against this practice, from a range of
economists, politicians, industries, and social scientists [Smith undated]. The
most important general trade agreement is the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) signed in October 1947 to liberalize trade, to create an
organization to administer more liberal trade agreements, and to establish a
mechanism for resolving trade disputes. The most significant free trade zones
are the European Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). World Trade
Organization (WTO) is a global organization for regulating trade agreements,
trade negotiations and resolving trade disputes.
So what is free trade? It is supported by most economists. What are
its pros and cons? What arguments are there in favour of free trade? What
arguments are there to support the contrary? Let us have a more precise look at
the matter.
trade: general notion
Smith [undated] defines free trade as a system in which goods,
capital, and labour flow freely between nations, without barriers which could
hinder the trade process. Many nations have free trade agreements, and several
international organizations promote free trade among their members. There are a
number of arguments both for and against this practice, from a range of
economists, politicians, industries, and social scientists. Krugman and
Obstfeld [2009] say restrictions on the flow of currency are also lifted, as
are regulations which could be considered a barrier to free trade. Put simply,
free trade enables foreign companies to trade just as efficiently, easily, and
effectively as domestic producers. Free trade as a positive economic effect was
first marked by Adam Smith in “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776. Another
economist, David Ricardo, studied the matter of free trade and its benefits by
presenting a specialized economic proof featuring a single factor of production
with constant productivity of labour in two goods, but with relative productivity
between the goods different across two countries. Krugman and Obstfeld [2009]
give a good notion of the Ricardian model that demonstrated the benefits of
trading via specialization - states could acquire more than their labour alone
would permit them to produce which formed then one of the fundamental laws of
economics: The Law of Comparative Advantage. Under a policy of free trade,
trade via specialization maximizes labour, wealth and quantity of goods
produce, exceeding what an equal number of autarkic states could produce. As
mentioned by Krugman and Obstfeld [2009] under a free trade policy, prices are
a reflection of true supply and demand, and are the sole determinant of
resource allocation. The authors [Krugman, Obstfeld 2009] report that
interventions include subsidies, taxes and tariffs, non-tariff barriers, such
as regulatory legislation and quotas, and even inter-government managed trade
agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central
America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and any governmental market intervention
resulting in artificial prices.
Many classical liberals, especially in Britain in the 19th
and early 20th century (e.g. John Stuart Mill) and in the United States in
the 20th century (e.g. Cordell Hull), believed that free trade
promoted peace. All economists agree on the point that free trade possesses the
following features: possibility of no-tax trade of goods (including tariffs),
quotas on imports, etc; no-tax trade in services; absence of taxes, subsidies,
regulations, or laws that give some factors of production an advantage over
others; free access to market and market information; free movement of labour
and capital between and within countries. At the same time there is a large matter
for debate.
in favour of free trade
The first set of pro-arguments is essentially economic, that free
trade will make society more prosperous by increasing the global level of
output through specialization. Specialization allows nations to devote their
scarce resources to the production of the particular goods and services for
which that nation has a comparative advantage, and subsequently increase the
global production possibility frontier. The other set of arguments for free
trade could be classified as "moral" arguments based on the right of every
person to exchange freely the result of his labour for the productions of other
people. Many economists suppose that increased free trade is the best way to
overcome extreme poverty in the world and enhance national security. The
Economics Help Website [2010] reports that theory of comparative advantage
explains that by specialising in goods where countries have a lower opportunity
cost, there can be an increase in economic welfare for all countries. Being an
engine of growth free trade also increases such spheres as export and competition
and makes use of surplus raw materials.
For example, Middle Eastern counties such as Qatar are very rich in reserves of
oil but without trade there would be not much benefit in having
so much oil. Japan on the other hand has very few raw materials without trade
it would be very poor [Economics Help Website 2010]. Besides it gives
third-world farmers an opportunity for an actual life, having a fairly-paid
wage for their job promoting good farming, as a lot of fair-trade produce is
also organic. Specialization generates the highest level of production of the
two goods. Then, through trade, each nation can consume the amount of the good
that it wants to consume. In this way, production is maximized because each
nation is doing what it does most efficiently. The benefits of economies of
scale will ultimately lead to lower prices for consumers. In 2001, during the
height of free market protests and support, the “Economist” journal argued in
favour of free markets by looking at some of the points from whom they call
“anti-globalists”: developed countries grow rich by selling capital-intensive
products for a high price and buying labour-intensive products for a low price.
This imbalance of trade expands the gap between rich and poor. The wealthy sell
products to be consumed, not tools to produce. This maintains the
monopolization of the tools of production, and assures a continued market for
the product. Thus a multiplier effect of their money would be created as it
circulates around their economy, and wealth in the poor country would be
created more rapidly. Free trade and free markets are essentially about making
trade easier by allowing the market to balance needs, supply and demand. Within
a nation, it can be a positive engine for development. Though, the current system
in its reality is hardly the free trade that the theories describe.
against of free trade
It is common to hear of today’s world economic system as being “free
trade” or “globalization”. Socialists frequently oppose free trade on the
ground that it allows maximum exploitation of workers by capital. To those who
oppose socialism, this becomes an argument against free trade. According to
Shah [2006] such ideas as markets being self-balancing to meet supply and
demand, while increasing prosperity for those who participate freely sounds
very appealing, in theory. However there are increasing concerns that go to the
heart of the system itself such as: What about the reality of the current form
of globalization, compared to the theory? How has it affected various segments
of society around the world? What has been the impact on the environment? Is it
even free trade? Shah [2006] underlines, these types of concerns had a
consequence of criticisms of the current form of globalization, and given a bad
name to “free trade” and “free market capitalism” in various circles.
Smith [2003, pp. 4-5] expresses concern, so long as weak nations
could be forced to accept the unequal trades of Adam Smith free trade, they
would be handing their wealth to the imperial-centres-of-capital of their own
free will. In short, Adam Smith free trade, as established by
neo-mercantilists, was only mercantilism hiding under the cover of free trade.
Nowadays everything is more complicated too. We have, for example, products
being exported from the poorer countries. However, with labour being paid less
than their fair wages in the poorer nations, wealth is still accumulated by the
richer nations. While it might appear that free trade is taking place, the
wealth that is accumulated by the richer countries suggests this is still the
age-old mercantilism process being played over again; a system that Adam Smith
criticized so much [Shah 2006].
Economic arguments against free trade criticize the assumptions or
conclusions of economic theories saying that free trade benefits only the
wealthy within countries. Within the free trade sphere companies produce goods
in less-developed countries where environmental and labour standards imposed
are lower. According to Bunzl [1999, pp. 17 – 21] it is far from some
altruistic motive to see those in poor countries improve their lot and thus
narrow the gap between rich and poor, globalisation therefore merely serves as
an efficient, low-cost method for TNCs to take advantage of low taxes, weak regulations
and vulnerable labour whilst penetrating the economies of developing countries.
Another disadvantage of produced by free trade is eliminating of traditional
ways of living and rural cultures. There is also the Infant Industry Argument
suggested on the Economics Help Website [2010]: if developing countries have industries
that are relatively new, then at the moment these industries would struggle
against international competition. Another argument is that of the senile
industry: if industries are declining and inefficient they may require large
investment to make them efficient again. Protection for these industries would
act as an incentive to for firms to invest and reinvent themselves.
Free-traders contend that exports foster economic growth. If it is
valid, then growth in world trade should correspond with growth in world GDP.
But if we take recent period when world trade was increasing at a rapid rate
and for which statistics are available: 1990 – 1998, we see that while trade
increased world GDP grew very slowly (see Figure 1 Growth Rates – World Data).
1 Growth Rates – World Data (WTO)
Therefore free trade development does not make any significant
influence on the GDP growth. The global financial crisis, brewing for a while,
really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. A number of countries have spoken out against the WTO saying that there needs to be more
co-operation between the North and South (a general term to refer to the Rich
and Developing countries, respectively) with regards to international trade.
All these reasons build up a serious argument against the free trade policy.
benefits of free trade
In my opinion most free traders would agree that although increasing
returns to scale might mean that certain industry could in settle in a
geographical area without any strong economic reason derived from comparative
advantage, this is not a reason to argue against free trade because the
absolute level of output enjoyed by both "winner" and
"loser" will increase with the "winner" gaining more than
the "loser" but both gaining more than before in an absolute level.
Krugman [2008] suggests that protectionism may be necessary for a while as
these are not normal conditions where the case for protectionism may be on
weaker grounds, at least for industrialized nations. Some economists criticize
the WTO's definition of "free trade" as too narrow. Free trade
implies specialized industries and economic change that can lead to strains and
considerable changes to traditional economic and political systems and, according
to Friedman [1999, p. 240], an analysis comparable to the risk-return spectrum
of free trade with respect to both country and careers is an area in need of
further research. According to the U.S. International Trade Commission, for
example, the U.S. gain from removing trade restrictions on textiles and apparel
would have been almost twelve billion dollars in 2002 alone. This is a net
economic gain after deducting the losses to firms and workers in the domestic
industry. The best possible outcome of trade negotiations is a multilateral
agreement that includes all major trading countries allowing many participants
to achieve the greatest possible gains from trade. After World War II, the United States helped found the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which quickly
became the world’s most important multilateral trade arrangement. Another
example is the annual gain from removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to
trade as a result of the Uruguay Round Agreement (negotiated under the auspices
of the GATT between 1986 and 1993) that was put at about $96 billion, or 0.4
percent of world GDP [Irwin 2008].
Gains from trade in economics refer to net benefits to agents from
voluntary trading with each other. As for the Republic of Kazakhstan, free trade proved itself as an efficient economic model. Kazakhstan is a member of the Single Economic Space, signed on September 19th,
2003 during a CIS Summit in Yalta. On 15 April 1994 in Moscow an agreement was signed to create a free trade area between Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Ukraine,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic confirming their adherence to free
development of a mutual economic cooperation. Besides Kazakhstan signed such cooperation agreements on free as: Agreement on
Foundation of Eurasian Economic Community; Agreement on
Free Trade between the Government of Georgia and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc. Ministerial statement was agreed
between New Zealand, Russia and its Customs Union partners Belarus and
Kazakhstan to commence negotiations on a comprehensive and modern Free Trade
Agreement (FTA), and to complete these negotiations by the end of 2011 [New
Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Website 2010]. Some experts fear
that such free trade zones could hurt some investment projects. But an
important advantage is the creation of the common juridical basis, license rules
and non-tariff regulations that provides an easier process of movements of
goods removing trade barriers. GDP growth of 6% is projected for 2011-2015 in Kazakhstan, and much is expected from the free trade agreements.
Free trade is one of the most debated topics in economics of the 19th,
20th, and 21st century. Arguments over free trade can be
divided into economic, moral, and socio-political arguments. Friedman [1999, p.
240] states, the academic debate among economists is currently settled in
favour of free trade, with a consensus having existed since at least the 1960s,
based on theories dating to the 18th century. The idea behind free
trade is that it will lower prices for goods and services by promoting
competition. Domestic producers will no longer be able to rely on government
subsidies and other forms of assistance, including quotas which essentially
force citizens to buy from domestic producers, while foreign companies can make
inroads on new markets when barriers to trade are lifted. In addition to
reducing prices, free trade is also supposed to encourage innovation, since
competition between companies sparks a need to come up with innovative products
and solutions to capture market share. Free trade can also foster international
cooperation, by encouraging nations to freely exchange goods and citizens. In
free market economies, for example, people are expected to move to where jobs
can be found, and to adjust their work lives and cultural tastes to the demands
of a global market [Alexander 2001]. Agreements between trading partners can
also promote educational advantages, such as sending engineers to train with
people in the top of the engineering field in one nation, or sending
agriculture experts to rural areas to teach people about new farming techniques
and food safety practices.
Free trade implies specialized industries and economic change that
can lead to strains and considerable changes to traditional economic and
political systems. There is no doubt that the world is becoming more and more globalized,
and the process is going on very quickly, with free trade being one of its
features. Today, most arguments against free international trade are raised by
special interest groups. When speaking about globalization issues Shah [2006]
supposes that the interests of powerful nations and corporations are shaping
the terms of world trade. In democratic countries, they are shaping and
affecting the ability of elected leaders to make decisions in the interests of
their people.
1. Alexander B. (2001) The
Roots of Addiction in Free Market Society, Montreal: Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives.
2. Blinder A. S. (1992) Free
Trade. 2nd edn. CEE. Available from:
library/ Enc/ FreeTrade.html#abouttheauthor/ (accessed
12 November 2010).
3. Bunzl J. M. (1999) “The
Simultaneous Policy (Simpol), An Insider’s Guide to Saving Humanity and the
Planet”, New European Press, pp. 17 – 21.
4. Economics Help Website
(2010) Arguments against Free Trade. Available at:
trade/ arguments-against-free-trade.html/ (accessed
12 November 2010).
5. Economics Help Website
(2010) Benefits of Free Trade. Available at: http://
www. economicshelp. org/ trade/ benefits_free_trade.html/ (accessed 12 November 2010).
6. Friedman T. L. (1999) The
Lexus and the Olive Tree. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 0-374-18552-2.
7. Irwin D. A. (2008) International
Trade Agreements. Available at:
library/ Enc/ International Trade Agreements.html/ (accessed 27 November 2010).
8. Krugman P. (2008) “The
Madoff Economy”, New York Times, Opinion, December 19.
9. Krugman P., Obstfeld M.
(2009) International Economics. Trade and Policy. 8th edn. San Francisco: Pearson Addison-Wesley.
10. New Zealand Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade Website (2010) New Zealand -
Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) [Online]. Available
at: (accessed 23 November
11. Shah A. (2006)
“Criticisms of Current Forms of Free Trade”, Global Issues, last updated
Friday, March 31, 2006 [Online].Available at:
article/ 40/ criticisms-of-current-forms-of-free-trade/ (accessed 11 November 2010).
12. Shah A. (2006) “Free
Trade and Globalization”, Global Issues, last updated Friday, September
30, 2006 [Online]. Available at: http://www. globalissues. org/ issue/
38/ free-trade-and-globalization / (accessed 11 November 2010).
13. Smith A. (1776) The
Wealth of Nations. Book I. Everyman’s Library, Sixth Printing, 1991, pp.
14. Smith J.W. (2003) Cooperative
Capitalism; A Blueprint for Global Peace and Prosperity. Quality Books,
15. Smith S.E. (undated) “Around the world”, edited by O. Wallace, What
is free trade. Wisegeek. [Online].Available at: (accessed 5 November 2010).