The courts and judicial community management
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №2 - 2011
Author: Kozhuganova Dinara, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
In the Republic of Kazakhstan the current democratic
processes in the society, at a modern stage of constitutional development,
caused the necessity of further development in the effectiveness of the justice
Judicial power is one of the main components of the
mechanism of a modern democratic and legal state. The basic principle is the
division of power between legislative, executive, and judicial branches. All
three branches function independently.
The effectiveness of judicial power and the realization of
its human rights function depend on the specific, economic, political, and
legal conditions, under which it functions [1].
The problems of judicial community management are topical
issues at the modern stage of the judicial system development and functioning
in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The central body in the process of management is
the public association “The Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. It
is a non-government, self-financing, and non-commercial organization formed at
the First Congress of the Judges in 1996 on the initiative of the group of
judges. It works for the purposes of realization and protection of the judicial
community’s interests. The union works according to the following principles of
voluntariness, equality of the members, democracy, self-government, legality,
accountability, and publicity. Today more than 95 per cent of judges in
Kazakhstan are the members of this public organization. According to the
regulations of the public organization the membership is on a voluntary basis.
The members of the Union may be active judges, retired judges, or pensioned-off
judges [2].
The goals and objectives of the Union are the following:
determine the judicial community position in the solution of important legal
problems; consider actual problems of courts’ work and judges’ status;
strengthen the authority of the judicial power; ensure compliance with the
Judicial Ethic Code; hold and participate in scientific-practical conferences
of judges; further the strengthening of court’s independence and judicial
authority; ensure social security and the judicial self-government development;
take part in the discussion of the problems of the judicial practice and
legislation improvement; participate in the judges’ arrangements of the professional
level improvement; evaluate independently the projects of laws and other
normative acts; develop international relations with the judicial communities
of other countries.
The public association works in the whole territory of
Kazakhstan. It structure is composed from different branches formed according
to the territorial and corporative principles. The branches work in accordance
with the regulations approved by the Central Council of the Union of Judges.
There are Commissions on Judicial Ethics created on the
premises of the Union of Judges’ branches. They operate according to the
regulations and the Judicial Ethics Code.
The supreme organ of the Union of Judges is the Congress of
Judges called not less than once per four years. The Congress elects the
Chairperson of the Union of Judges who at the same time is the Chairperson of
the executive organ - the Central Council of the Union of Judges.
The source of financing is initiation and annual membership
fee. Money means could also be formed from voluntary contributions, proceeds
from lectures, exhibitions, sport and other events, profits from production and
other activities [3].
The Union of Judges actively participates in realization of
the projects together with the following international organizations: USAID,
OSCE, and German Society on Technical Cooperation (GTZ), UNDP, and others. The
Union of Judges and International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of
Speech “Adil Soz” take part in the project of ongoing forum “Judicial Power and
Mass Media”. The most important is the project of the European Union “Judicial
and Legal Reforms Support in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (since February 15,
The Union of Judges of Kazakhstan has been the member of the
International Association of Judges since November 2004 according to the
Resolution of the 47th Annual Meeting of IAJ (Valle de Bravo, Mexico).
The Union of Judges of Kazakhstan together with the Supreme
Court carries out a significant work for the judges’ professional development,
takes part in the educational processes, annually announces “The Best Judge of
the Year” competitions, and holds international legal conferences and
The Union of Judges of Kazakhstan carries out its activity
on the basis of the central council work regulations approved by #2-1
Resolution of the Central Council of the RPA “The Union of Judges of the
Republic of Kazakhstan” dated February 5, 2010.
It also should be mentioned that as an organ of the judicial
community the Judicial Ethic Commission is of a great importance. The
Commission works on the basis of the Regulations approved by # 7 Resolution of
the Central Council of the Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated
February 5, 2010. The goal of the Commission is the concern for the judicial community
purity. The subject of the Commission activity is the observance of moral and
ethic norms and rules of behavior stipulated by the Judicial Ethic Code. The
commissions are formed and function under the Union branches. The issues of
observation of the judicial ethic norms by the Chairperson and the chairpersons
of boards of oblast courts are considered by the Commission of the Supreme
Court Judges’ Union Branch.
The commission is formed by the corresponding branch of the
Union at the conference. The conference elects the Commission for the term of
two years by means of secret vote from the members of the Union registered at
the corresponding branch of the public association. Any member of the Union may
be elected to the Commission. The quantity of the Commission is determined by
the conference. The Chairperson and the chairpersons of the boards of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the chairperson of the boards of
oblast courts, the members of the Supreme Judicial Council and Judicial Panel,
the members of the disciplinary and qualification boards cannot be elected to
the commission. Commissions may consider the materials, requests, complaints
about the Judicial Ethic Code violation by the judges of the branch, on its own
initiative and on the statements and complaints of citizens, officials, and
organizations. The Chairperson of the Supreme Court, the chairpersons of oblast
courts, the heads of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan
and the heads of the Judicial Panel, the chairpersons of the disciplinary and
qualification boards may apply to the Commission with the request to conclude
if one or another action of a judge or his/her personal behavior is the
violation of the Judicial Ethic Code. The reason for the consideration of the
case of judicial ethic violation may be the information in mass media, the
reports of public prosecutors, and other official documents, requests and
complaints of citizens [4].
Within the context of the discussed topic, the problems of
judges’ image improvement and justice administration effectiveness seem to be
of great importance. That is why it is necessary to consider some aspects of
the judges’ image improvement program approved by the plenary meeting of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2003. The given
program aims at the realization of the Concept of Legal Policy and determines
the priorities directed at the formation of positive public opinion about court
work and at further development of their openness and accessibility for
citizens and mass media. The program reflects main informational,
organizational, cadre and legal arrangements aimed at the strengthening of the
images of judges and courts in the republic.
In the country there created a judicial system able to
ensure the effective protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of the
citizens and organizations. One of the results of the ongoing legal reform is
the consolidation of judicial power within the system of state mechanism and
real independence of courts from executive organs.
At the same time, in the society there is no objective and
full information about the ongoing judicial reform, its results and problems,
the work for the judicial ethic norms violation eradication, and the fight
against corruption. There are still some problems with real executions of
judgments and some cases when lawful decisions of the court are criticized in
public. The real equality of the parties and adversary nature of the judicial
process are not ensured in full. Thereupon, it becomes evident that the
judicial system’s image increase is impossible without the improvement of
quality and work of the courts. The population is in need of good legal aid
especially in remote rural areas. The issues of courts’ peopleware are not
solved. The professional level of judicial candidates is still low. The
following problems – non-compliance with the constitutional requirements to
provide housing for judges, insufficient material and technical levels of
judicial session halls and transportation – are still taking place nowadays.
There are no constant relations with mass media, i.e. full and timely
information about positive results of courts’ activities and the important role
of justice. For the purposes of objective media coverage of the judicial
system’s activities it is necessary to develop mass media and print media in
the country.
One of the important levels of legal policy and the
mechanism of its realization is the training of personnel for judicial corps,
increasing of educational and professional levels of judges, and the probation
of candidates for judges at courts. Taking into account the significance of
justice the issue of additional financing for judges’ internship with their
work being discontinued is of great importance now. Nowadays there are
specialized educational institutions under the state organs. Their goal is
professional development of the judicial staff and professional training of
young specialists. One of the important events is the foundation of a special educational
institution under the Supreme Court – the Institute of Professional Development
of Judges and the Workers of the Judicial System. The strategy of the judicial
education includes continuing education of judges, tutorship, mentorship,
distant education, and others. As it is already known, the goal of the judicial
mentorship is to develop the judicial culture, independence and ethic behavior
of judges.
Therefore the development of the judicial mentorship in
Kazakhstan is one of the priorities of the Union of Judges. The Central Council
of the Union takes the decision to recommend its branches to promote the
mentorship development in local courts, to monitor the mentorship program
effectiveness within the framework of the realization of the judicial education
strategy, and to make suggestions on its further development.
When studying the given topic it is necessary to emphasize
that the judicial power in the Republic of Kazakhstan personifies the supremacy
of law, strengthens and reveals its rich potential. Any judge applying law
practically faces a lot of organizational and technical problems. Nowadays one
of the main problems of the quality of justice administration is the
discrepancy between the number of cases and the number of judges. As a result of
it, judges have enormous working load. It is necessary to emphasize the idea of
the judge-assistants institute.
In the twenty-first century the judicial system is
undergoing great changes. Now it is necessary to increase the number of judges
and court staff. As a result of it, the quality of work will be improved in
spite of the increasing volume of it. It also should be mentioned that there is
an acute shortage of the position “judge assistant”. A judge assistant could do
a great part of simple work such as preparation of the projects of judicial
acts (decisions and resolutions). A judge could concentrate on the preparation
of complicated cases to trial and their decisions. He or she would have more
time for the detailed examination of the current normative-legal acts. At the
same time we are quite sure that judge assistants are to work in district
High demands to the candidates for the position of a judge
assistant allow to form highly-qualified personnel helping judges in
considering cases and preparing projects of procedural documents. The given
position allowed to decrease the workload of judges and to form cadre reserves
as the world precedents show that judge assistants were the source of judicial
personnel [5, p. 12].
Analyzing the historical aspects of introducing the position
of a judge assistant it should be mentioned that the institute of judge
assistants was formed in the USA more than a hundred years ago. The judge of
the US Supreme Court Horace Gray, appointed in 1881, introduced the practice to
employ the graduates of the Law Department of the Harvard University with honor
degrees for the position “Personal Secretary”. In 1885 the Attorney-General of
the USA in his report suggested the Congress to codify a right of the US
Supreme Court judges to use “the services of personal secretaries”. In 1886 the
Congress approved the position of a judge-assistant. It is necessary to point
out that the US judges have a free hand in determining the functions of their
assistants as they are guided by a common goal – to make their work efficient
as much as possible. Both judges and judge-assistants value this flexible
The similar institute exists in Japan. A judge assistant is
to prepare the theoretical and practical materials for the case.
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan is now
looking into the issue of the judge-assistant institute functioning. It is
necessary to mention that scientists and law-practitioners are not of the same
opinion on the issue. S. Sabikenov considers the institute of judge-assistants
to fit in with the executive organs but not with the judicial ones.
Taking into account the nature and content of the justice it
is thought that courts are in need of not assistants but advisers who work for
the judicial organs and are not the maintenance personnel. In the opinion of S.
Sabikenov, it is the best way of training the candidates for the judicial work
as a judge-adviser preparing the materials for the court examination together
with a judge at the same time is mastering the practical skills of the judicial
work [6, p. 7].
In connection with the introduction of the institute of
judge-assistants in Kazakhstan it is necessary to differentiate the
responsibilities between a judge-assistant and a procedural figure “court reporter”.
Judge-assistants are to be considered as the judicial
candidates, the reserve for the judicial corps especially when they have worked
in the position more than three years.
On the other hand, taking into account the fact that
judge-assistants are considered the reserve for the judicial corps it is very
important where a judge-assistant has worked before court.
To form the corps of judge-assistants it is more effective
to involve young and talented graduates and recommend the best workers for
judicial positions. The right to work as a judge is to be deserved by high
professional level, psychological stability, and irreproachable behavior at the
discharge of the duties [7].
It is recommended to introduce special training programs for
judge-assistants up to the standards of master school including the system of
periodic tests. In this way the state mechanism of training the judicial
candidates will be realized.
Thereby, the institute of judge-assistants will ensure the
effective implementation of the court’s functions, will exclude the red tape at
the consideration of legal cases, and will favor the optimal formation of the
judicial corps. The institute of judge-assistants will release judges from the
functions irrelevant to justice. All these will increase the quality of
The efficiency of the judicial work is also determined by a
competent organization of the judicial system structure. The reform of the
structure of the judicial bodies is necessary to be mentioned in this
connection. Before November 3, 2010 these functions were carried out by the
court administrator.
It is known that one of the main instruments of ensuring the
organizational activity of a state organ is the correct strategy under the
conditions of dynamically developing processes, timely and correct
Meanwhile, the lack of the organ ensuring concerted actions
of the departments of the Court Administrator, local courts, and territorial
districts of bailiffs and exercising control over the implementation of main
documents led to the decrease of the organizational activity of the Court
Administrator of the oblast.
According to #1093 Regulations on the Department for
ensuring courts’ activities under the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Kazakhstan (the apparat of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
dated November 3, 2010 the Department for ensuring courts’ activities under the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the apparat of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is the authorized body on the organizational and
logistical support of the activities of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and local courts with territorial subdivisions (registries) in the oblasts,
the capital and major cities.
Under the organizational and logistical support of the
courts’ activities the above-mentioned Regulations means organizational and
logistical measures aimed at the formation of the conditions for justice
administration. The Department works in accordance with the Constitution of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
“About Judicial System and Judges’ Status in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the
laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the decrees of the President and the
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, the
given Regulations, and the orders of the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department and the registries form a common
system of the bodies for ensuring the activities of the Supreme Court of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and local courts. The Department and the registries are
legal entities having their own seals with their names and bank accounts in
accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department
and the registries start civil law relations for their own.
The main objectives of the Department are the organizational
and logistical support of the activities of the Supreme Court of the Republic
of Kazakhstan and local courts. The Department within the framework of its
authorities carries out the following functions:
1) organizational and logistical support of the courts;
2) organizational support of the courts’ activities on
justice administration;
3) taking measures in accordance with the legislation for
financial and logistical support of the Qualification Committee under the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) organizational and methodological guidance of bailiffs’
5) preparation of the information for the Administration of
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan about judicial statistics, the
state of justice administration, organizational and logistical support of the
Supreme Court and equivalent courts’ activities;
6) people ware ensuring in accordance with the legislation;
7) organizational support of the work of the Chairperson of
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Court Jury, The Republican
Disciplinary and Qualification Collegium of Judges, and the bodies of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
8) ensuring of the execution of the decisions taken by the
Chairperson of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the plenary
session of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
9) making suggestions to the Chairperson of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the formation, reorganization or
abolition of local or other courts;
10) by agreement with the Chairperson of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of Kazakhstan determining the number of judges for a local and
another court on the basis of the report of a Chairperson of a corresponding
court within the limits of the staff list approved by the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
11) developing of the standards of working loads of judges
and judicial workers;
12) organization of construction, repairs, and techniques of
buildings and other objects of the judicial bodies;
13) control over the expenditures of registries and other
lower organizations of the Department, audit of their financial and economic
14) conducting of judicial statistics;
15) conducting of judges’ and judicial workers’ personal
16) in accordance with the legislation material and social
provision of judges including retired judges;
17) participation in the development and expertise of the
projects of regulatory legal acts within its jurisdiction;
18) informational and legal support of the judicial system,
systematization and codification of the legislation;
19) organization of records management and archives’ work;
20) organizational support of the interaction of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state bodies, the courts of other
countries, international and other organizations, and other functions [8].
Thus, one of the main components of a legal
state, the guarantee of its democratic development is the judicial power. The
state of the judicial power influences greatly the attitude of the citizens to
modern legal policy, to the level of society’s confidence in the government,
i.e. the quality of justice administration – one of the main indices of
country’s legal development. The given idea was emphasized in legal literature
more than once, “Independent judicial power becomes the core of the legal state
and constitutionalism, the main guarantee of the people’s freedom”. That
is why it is necessary to improve legal institutes influencing the process of
justice administration.
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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №2 - 2011