Investment resources are always limited and consequently demand
their purposeful expenditure which is very important in the context of economic
crisis. In this regard their target use is one of the necessary factors of
economy stabilization and increasing. Being one of the instruments of negative
economic circumstances overcoming, investment policy should play an important
role in the economy management and solve the issues of financial flows
according to the state interests in existing social and economic conditions.
The state defines investment policy as it has a political power and possesses
the ability to realize its will in the regulatory legal acts concerning
investment flows. The state's influence on the process is necessary as the
state should be able to defend its interests i.e. the interests of all
population [1, p. 15].
The specific character of investment regulation is caused by the
fact that investment is a difficult and multifaceted category. The provisions
for investment relations regulation principles are of great interest in respect
of investment legislation improvement. As a whole, the basic principles of
investment regulation can be the following: the non-discrimination principle
(equal rights of investors), the principle of investment freedom, the principle
of the state non-interference in the economic activity of the investor, the
principle of investment conditions stability ensuring, the principle of
investments protection, the principle of full recovery of investor's losses,
and the principle of the state support of investments. In the majority of
countries the concept of investments is revealed by enumeration of property put
into the objects of business or other activity. It indicates the legislator's
approach to the category of investments from positions of the investor's
property by which the range of investment objects is not limited that quite
corresponds to the principle of investment freedom legally established in these
countries. Thus, individuals and legal entities, the state, and organizations
of public character can act as investors. It is necessary to note that in the
laws of such countries as Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, etc. there are sections
devoted to the activity of enterprises with foreign investments.
Investment relationship cannot be revealed without key base concepts
such as "investments" and "investment activity". The analysis of legislative
definition of the concept "investments" allowed to reveal the following
signs of investments: 1) this property is intended for business activity; 2)
being put into the objects of business activity this property is exposed to an
assessment for the purpose of its definition as a contribution and its cost; 3)
this property is considered as a part of investments from the moment of its
investing into the objects of business activity; 4) the process of investing
can be carried out in the following ways: by contribution (assets) transferring
to the authorized capital of the legal entity (commercial organization); by
property use for increase in the fixed assets used for business activity; by
property use for work or increase in the fixed assets within the contract of
concession by the concessionaire (assignee); 5) investing is to be carried out
with a view of income (profit) receiving; 6) as object of investment are
respectively considered: a) the authorized capital of
the legal entity; b) the fixed assets used for business activity; c) the fixed
assets made and received within the contract of concession. There exist
different classifications of investments types. The most significant ones are
the division of investments in capital and intellectual, state and private,
foreign and national. Other types of investments, in their turn, fall under the
main division and enter in any of them, i.e. have secondary character, and are
additional in relation to the main types. They are direct and portfolio
investments, real and financial, long-term and short-term, high-risky and
low-risky investments, etc. Investment activity is a type of business activity.
The analysis of its legislative definition allowed to reveal the following
signs of investment activity: 1) it is an initiative activity of the
businessman; 2) individuals and legal entities irrespective of ownership forms
can be its subjects; 3) it is based on the property of the businessman
(property independence); 4) it is carried out on behalf of the businessman; 5)
it is based on the risk of the businessman; 6) it is based on the property
responsibility of the businessman; 7) it is directed on income receiving; 8) it
is carried out by satisfaction of the demand for goods (works, services).
The concept "investment activity" is defined generally as a set of
actions on investments implementation (realization). Thus, these actions are
not limited to certain legal forms. The rights of investors and a guarantee of
their protection are defined when establishing a legal regime. The guarantees
are presented by legislative, state, governmental, and additional guarantees.
As a whole, all basic guarantees are the following: 1) the guarantee of
protection against nationalization, requisition and other similar measures (in
some countries some of these measures are forbidden or allowed only in an
exclusive order on the principles of adequate, immediate, and full recovery of
investor's losses); 2) the guarantees of protection against changes in the
legislation (it is not turned into to the guarantee of contract conditions
stability, it provides the stability of investment activity conditions); 3) the
guarantees of protection against illegal actions of state authorities (provides
for the ban on intervention in economic activity of investors and the
indemnification for intervention in economic activity). In our opinion, the
relations arising in international investment activity are the subject of legal
regulation of various branches of law both public and private. In a domestic
legal science E. Abdrakhmanova, S. Abdykarimova, G. Akhmadiyeva, Y. Basin, A.
Dzhakishev, A. Dzhanaleeva, A. Didenko, R. Dosybayeva, I. Zhanaydarov, E.
Zhusupov, K. Maulenov, S. Moroz, N. Mukhitdinov, A. Nukusheva, M. Sarsembayev,
M. Suleymenov, M. Taimov, Sh. Tashmukhambetova and others considered the given
problem including the questions of international legal regulation of investment
The mechanism of legal regulation of international investments makes
set of principles, norms, and rules of international and internal law which
defines the legal status of foreign investments from the moment of their
establishment till their elimination. Principles and norms of the international
investment law occur either from non-contractual sources, especially from
general principles of international law, or from conventional sources: both
multilateral and bilateral contracts and agreements.
As to the principles and norms of the national law they are
developed by the state - the recipient of the capital. Legislative documents or
bylaws reflect the choice of the state policy concerning foreign investments.
Each country tries to build the investment policy proceeding from a number of
reasons. During the international law evolution there was a transformation of
principles and norms within the law itself. In the 60-70s of the XX century the
international investment law leaned, first of all, on general principles of
international law [2, p. 112]. At the period when developing countries tried to
approve their unconditional right to international investments regulation under
the lack of the conventional system of foreign investments legal protection the
developed countries had nothing to do but address to the basic principles of
international law. The characteristic feature of modern normative system is the
existence of basic principles in it. The basic principles are understood as
socially caused generalized norms and ideas reflecting characteristic
tendencies and nature of the normative system. Taking into account the importance
of the carried-out functions they are of the highest authority. As it was
already mentioned, in the second half of the XX century the international
investment law, urged to provide a favorable mode of foreign investments,
developed in a zigzag fashion that was caused by basic contradictions between
the North countries, exporters of investments, and the South countries, their
importers. This development had three stages within conditional temporary
framework. During the first stage, the countries of the North validated the
general principles of international law in the sphere of foreign investments
regulation. The second stage was the time of non-recognition (rejecting) of the
general principles of international law in the sphere of the international
investments status by the countries of the South. The third stage was a period
of restoration of general principles concerning the legal mode of foreign
investments. Compound and interdependent elements of the general principles of
international law in the considered sphere are the following: First, the
national norms regulating a mode of investments, in case of need should be
brought into accord with the international norms. Secondly, the international
law doesn't impede the international investments to be given the preferable in
comparison with national investments mode. Thirdly, the international law
forbids some differentiated modes putting foreign investments into less
advantageous position than national. Developing countries hardly allow
existence of the general principles of international law obliging the host
state to respect the international standards irrespectively of any convention.
General principles were established only under the influence of the developed
countries when the developing states did not achieve the international
recognition of their sovereignty. Actually, these principles do not reflect the
will of all members of the world community as they are adverse for developing
countries. The purposes and principles of the international investment law are
defined by the purposes and principles of international law as a whole. The
United Nations Charter gave particular attention to the economic cooperation
with a considerable part made by the international investment cooperation.
According to the UN Charter the purposes of the international economic
cooperation are designated as the following: assistance to economic and social
progress of all countries and peoples; creation of conditions for stability and
wellbeing necessary for peace and constructive cooperation between countries;
and increase of general and material well-being of people. All general
principles of international law are acceptable for the international regulation
of investment cooperation but some of them received additional contents in this
sphere. According to the principle of states sovereign equality all countries
have the right to choose freely the economic system and to carry out economic
development. According to the principles of non-use of force and
non-interference the use of force or threat by force and all other forms of
intervention directed against economic bases of the states are forbidden. All investment
disputes should be solved only by peaceful means. According to the principle of
cooperation countries are obliged to cooperate with each other for the purpose
of assistance to economic stability and progress of the general welfare of the
people on the basis of free movement of capitals, goods, and services. The
principle of diligent implementation of obligations also refers to the
international investment relations as the international investment cooperation
completely has a contract binding character [3, p. 55]. Fundamental
international purposes and principles of international economic cooperation are
stipulated, for example, in Geneva "principles defining the international trade
relations and the trade policy promoting development" (accepted at the first
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in 1964), the Declaration
for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Charter of
Economic Rights and Duties of States accepted in the form of resolutions. The
Resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations "Confidence-Building
in International Economic Relations" (1984), "International Economic Security"
(1985), and others accentuate the importance of general principles for the new
international economic order which basis is made by civilized forms of the
international investment cooperation. The principle of permanent sovereignty of
the state over its natural resources and all economic activity including the
right of the state on possession, use and operation of natural resources, the
right to regulate and supervise foreign investments and multinational
corporation activity within its national jurisdiction should also be referred
to the general principles of the international investment law. With a certain
share of convention and a number of reservations it is possible to deduce some
basic principles of the international investment law. They include the
principle of investments export freedom; the principle of free protective
measures application when importing investments; the principle of investments
protection; the principle of "territoriality" of foreign investments
regulation; the principle of state and international control over investments
movement; the principle of non-damaging the economy of the host country; the
principle of prevention of expropriation/nationalization of foreign investments
without a corresponding compensation; the principle of free transition of
income and dividends from investments out of borders of the basing country; subrogation
principle, i.e. transition of the private insurant's right to compensation for
damage to the state of the investor; the principle of the double taxation
elimination; the non-discrimination principle; the principle of the most
favored nation; and the principle of a national regime granting.
The principle giving the right to provide national security and to
punish the citizens and the legal entities for breaking the norms of internal
and international law during the foreign investment implementation on the
territory of another state is of great importance too. According to the antimonopoly
law of the majority of the countries their legal entities do not have the right
to conduct in a foreign state the economic activity breaking the provisions of
the antimonopoly law of the domestic state.
The principle of freedom of protective measures application when
investments importing assumes that each state owing to its sovereignty has the
right to dispose freely of the natural and other resources; to allow or not to
allow the foreign capital to investigation and operation of natural resources;
to limit or stop activity of the foreign capital in the territory; to regulate
and supervise all economic activity in the territory of the country, including
the activity of foreign corporations and the mode of foreign investments on the
basis of internal and international law. According to the European model of the
bilateral investment agreement the international legal protection is provided
only to foreign investments approved by the host country. In other words, some
countries divide foreign investments into two categories: having international
legal protection owing to their preliminary approval by the host country and
not having such status. The monitoring system over the foreign investments
admission according to the national legislation does not contradict the theory
and practice of international law. At the same time, not all countries demand
passing of the approval procedure for all foreign investments. A lot of
countries pursue the "open-doors" policy but the officially approved
investments get various advantages [4, p.138]. A special procedure of foreign
investments approval is directed on involving the investments favorable to the
host country and meeting all its conditions.
The principle of foreign investments regulation territoriality means
that if a foreign investor is allowed on the territory of another's state, its
activity automatically falls under the host country exclusive jurisdiction. In
this light, all forms and methods of state control concerning the foreign
investor admit lawful according to the existing international legal norms.
The theory and practice of international law consider the principle
of country sovereignty as one of the bases of existing in the modern world law
and order. The international community considers each sovereign state carrying
out its supremacy within its territory to be an axiom. The sovereignty of the
state assumes implementation of all completeness of legislative, executive,
judicial and other power in its own territory without the intervention from the
outside. The supremacy of the state also means the higher authority of the
country on the relation to all individuals and organizations being in limits of
the territory, and besides, in the territory of the country the public power of
another state is excluded [4, p. 150].
The principle of state sovereignty also means an exclusive right of
the country to adopt acts obligatory to execution in its territory. Owing to it
the tax legislation of each country has its own features leading to certain
collisions, in particular, to double taxation when two or more countries
consider the same subject their taxpayer or when according to the legislation
of both countries the taxation object at the same time is the taxation object
of both counties.
The principle of non-damaging the economy of the host country
provides that the country-capital exporter must not make negative impact on
social and economic development of the host country. Jurisdiction of the state
is the manifestation of the state sovereignty, and initial base of national
jurisdiction is the state territory. Only within its territory the jurisdiction
of the state is unconditionally full and exclusive. It acts as the integral and
main element of territorial supremacy [3, p. 94].
The principle of investments protection assumes state protection of
a private investor's property in the host country. Originally the protection of
foreign property and foreign citizens was carried out mainly through diplomatic
channels. Nowadays with the purpose of appropriate legal protection countries make
bilateral and multilateral agreements on mutual protection of foreign
investments. From the legal point of view the foreign investments protection
means creation by the host country of the long-term stable legislation
providing non-use of discrimination measures, state guarantees for complete and
unconditional protection of the foreign investor's rights and interests, and
the right to carry out investment activity in the territory of the country in
any forms not forbidden by the law.
The principle of state and international control over investments
movement consists in the fact that each country has the right to regulate and
supervise foreign investments within its national jurisdiction, according to
its own laws, national purposes, and priorities. In the modern world market
countries are not able to protect their interests according only to the
principle of territorial jurisdiction. Rapid development of telecommunication
and transcontinental air flights simplified business relationship of people
from different countries. Besides, today capitals can move instantly worldwide
in an electronic form. Despite difficulties arising in this regard, countries
aspire to supervise the movement of investments from other countries.
The principle of free export of investments is fundamental.
According to the basic international legal documents in the sphere of the
international investment law, countries are obliged to eliminate national
barriers on the way of capitals movement and not to establish ban and
restrictions on export of private investments into other countries.
From the point of view of the international investment law the
principle of the double taxation elimination provides avoidance of simultaneous
taxation in two and more countries of one taxpayer concerning the same object.
At the same time under modern conditions the so-called Theory of Universal
Jurisdiction is becoming widely spread. According to this theory in the
international law there are the highest principles having a priority over the
sovereignty of other countries. The world community recognizes supremacy of
these new principles though they are not fixed in the United Nations Charter
among the basic principles of international law. First of all, it is a question
of the international protection of human rights. The Theory of Universal
Jurisdiction also finds its application in the sphere of international legal
regulation of investments. Need of natural resources protection in the course
of foreign investment activity implementation in developing countries promoted
progressive international development and establishment of a new economic
order. The new system of international legal norms demands recognition of
higher moral principles of the world community development, for example, such
as the offer of the developed countries of "the fair price" for natural
resources of developing countries. It is possible to mention also the
provisions of codes drafts for multinational corporations' behavior demanding
corporations acting according to economic targets of the developing country.
Proceeding from the theory and practice of the international law, each country
is obliged to respect and protect the property of other countries' citizens.
The obligations of fair and favorable relation to foreign private property and
its protection are traditional if meaning bilateral and multilateral
agreements. Countries must not undertake any measures directly or indirectly
directed on deprivation of foreign investors property. If necessary they should
be carried out only in public interests and at observance of lawful procedure.
The international investment law demands the nationalization to be accompanied
by payment of fair compensation corresponding to real cost of the property at
the moment of nationalization. The payment of the compensatory sums is carried
out with granting possibility of transfer in the corresponding currency. Thus,
the international practice allows the sovereign right of the country to
nationalization of the foreign private property being in its territory but
demands fair, full, and effective compensation.
For many decades the most-favored-nation principle has been acting
as one of the most important legal instruments of normal implementation of the
international trade and economic relations including investment. G. Tunkin
notes that the doctrine of international law and countries practice recognize
as the principles of international law the norms differing from other
international norms in their more general character. They only touch upon the
main issues of international relations. But there is no accurate
differentiation between principles and norms [3, p.109]. The basic principles
of modern international law are the conventional norms which are most important
for ensuring of normal functioning of interstate system and, therefore, for the
solution of the international problems. According to the most-favored-nation
principle foreign persons - citizens and organizations - of this country have
the same rights, advantages, and privileges established for the subjects
belonging to the third country during realization of mutual cooperation. The
most-favored-nation principle unlike the principle of the national regime
established both in the national act and in the international treaty can be
fixed only by international agreements. The legal maintenance of this principle
is consolidated to equalizing of conditions and the rights for all foreigners
acting in the territory of the concrete country owing to signed international
legal agreements with the considered state. It means that if one state provides
another a most favored nation treatment both citizens and legal entities and
organizations of the latter use so favorable conditions which are already
provided or will be provided to any third state. The most-favored-nation
principle essence in international trade and economic relations consists in the
right to demand the optimum, preferential, exclusive terms provided to any
third state. The basic purpose of the most-favored-nation principle consists
not only in discrimination prohibition within a certain number of countries but
also, first of all, in mutual granting of the most preferential terms in the
field of the external economic relations. The most-favored-nation principle
establishes an equality of the widest rights and possibilities of partners and
creates the fairest conditions for international trade. Nowadays the application
of this principle in trade and economic relations became almost universal
promoted by the wide experience of its use.
In present the most-favored-nation principle is applied practically
by all countries, forms a basis for the bilateral relations, and is established
in multilateral contracts. This fact proves to be true that the given
principle, being the major branch principle of the international economic law,
is in the modern world a necessary condition for effective development of
economic relationship of countries. According to E. Usenko the importance of
the most-favored-nation principle in the field of international trade "is so
great that without its establishment and observance normal trade relations
between the respective countries are almost impossible" [4, p. 133]. As one of
the features of the most-favored-nation treatment at the present stage is
reciprocity, the most widespread legal act containing a clause about the most
favored regime is considered the bilateral contract. But the cases of
unilateral granting of the most-favored-nation treatment are known to have
taken place in the world practice. In this regard there is a question - is it
possible to consider a unilateral clause about the most-favored regime
corresponding to the principle of sovereign equality? Unilateral granting a
most-favored-nation treatment is allowed only under the conditions compensating
the absence of formal reciprocity and providing observance of the principle of
mutual benefit. The most-favored-nation principle application in multilateral
contracts has its specifics. The example of such multilateral contract, with
key principle of mutual granting a most-favored-nation treatment, is General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It is of great importance in the system
of international legal regulation of economic relations between countries. The
mode of the most-favored-treatment characterizes a special level and character
of relations between countries. More often they are either the relations within
integration cooperation or relations between border states or intraregional
relations possessing both signs (the CIS, EU, and EURASEC). Regardless of it,
it is necessary to distinguish the most-favored-nation treatment from the preferential
mode which can be established for a certain group of the countries in the investment
sphere of cooperation. Along with it, there exist particular types of
treatments concerning the conditions of foreign individuals and organizations activity
in the territory of the concrete state. In particular, according to the CIS Convention
on Investors' Rights Protection the parties have the right to revise the list
of withdrawals from the sphere of national treatment towards the improvement of
a legal status of investors from the agreeing countries. They have the right to
define lists of priorities concerning branches, kinds of activity and regions
for which more preferential terms of investments attraction are introduced. In
the conditions of accruing free movement of the capitals the internal law is
more cooperating with the international investment law. The latter acts as a
guarantor and as a general "legal standard" for national investment legislations.
It is thus important that the implementation of the international investment
norms in the national law is possible only when the investment legislation of a
country corresponds to the international investment law. The realization of the
international and investment norms accepted on the multilateral and bilateral
basis demands close and similar legal rules in the national investment
legislation. In its turn such interaction promotes to rapprochement and
unification of interstate investment norms. By the way, speaking about the
international contractual unification of law, it is necessary to note that this
form of interaction of the international and national law is one of the
important conditions of global economic integration implementation. National
financial rules of law and institutions capable effectively to act under the
present conditions of the world economy globalization are of great importance during
the implementation of foreign investment activity. One of the reasons of not
enough appeal to foreign investors of the countries of the so-called
"transition economy" is an inefficiency of their financial and economic
institutions in the conditions of more active functioning of the world
financial system. Thus, universal rules and provisions directly or indirectly
regulating a legal mode of foreign investments are stipulated, in particular,
in international legal acts of the World Trade Organization, in the
International Monetary Fund Charter, the World bank Charter, OECD Model Codes,
in documents of the non-governmental financial organizations under the aegis of
the London and Parisian clubs, and also in universal financial conventions
adopted within the international economic organizations, such, as UNIDROIT,
UNCITRAL, UNIDO, UNCTAD, etc. Thus, the basis of the international investment
law is made by a set of national and international legal norms regulating the
relations between various participants of investment activity in the territory
of another state. The especially important factor is that the subject of
foreign investments regulation was and remains uniform and indissoluble in the
conditions of the interconnected globalized world economy. Legal regulation of
foreign investments visually confirms the objectivity and interdependence of investment
process and domestic and foreign investment policy.
The legal nature of relationship in the sphere of foreign
investments consists in creation of the corresponding conditions and guarantees
for investors-owners and in definition of the corresponding organizational and
legal forms of investment. First of all, the national law in the form of special
investment legislation and in general regulatory legal acts (civil, financial,
tax, bank, and customs legislation) stipulates the norms defining legal forms
of foreign investments regulation in the country. On the other hand, the
international legal investment norms fixed in the international universal and
bilateral treaties and being a component of national legal systems, act as a
legal standard for the domestic investment legislation. This process occurs not
by withdrawal of the corresponding internal principles and norms from the existing
national legislation and their replacement with international legal contractual
norms but by means of harmonization of joint legal regulation when providing
legal guarantees of foreign investments.
It is considered that the Republic of Kazakhstan created the complex
of economic, legal, and organizational measures for protection of national and
foreign capital investments, issued in the form of norms and rules according to
which the favorable mode of mutual investment is declared. The Republic of Kazakhstan defined the basic international principles of investments
attraction to be observed on its territory. They are the following: stability
and predictability; accurate, transparent, and unequivocal norms of investment
activity regulation meeting the international standards; protection of
legitimate rights of investors; equal conditions for activity of foreign and
domestic investors; observance of conditions of contracts and international
treaties; profitability and productivity of direct investments; stimulation of
direct investments in priority sectors of economy; ensuring information
transparency of domestic stock market and equal conditions for various groups
of investors; environment preservation [5, p.62]. The sphere of international
investment regulation demands special approaches to public administration and
creations of special mechanisms to successfully perform the major function of
the state on capital investments attraction. At the modern stage the presented
conditions predetermine the carried-out reforms in the sphere of investments
concerning the changes of principles and the mechanism of acts performance,
with the state support establishing of the special structures for increase of
the international investment activity efficiency.
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