Student information culture: conditions and features of formation
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012
Author: Makarenko Lesia, National Pedagogical University in honor of M. Dragomanov, Ukraine
In the modern social and economic terms of growth of
meaningfulness of the role of information, informatization of educational
establishments grows the actuality of using of information technologies.
Progress of society trends induce a person to access the knowledge. There is a
huge increase of volume of necessary for mastering information, which conflicts
with the limited possibilities of individual. Inevitable dispersion of
information, caused by integration and differentiation of sciences, complicates
its search. Outdated knowledge appears because of the speed-up rates of
development of scientific and technical progress, which determine continuous
education and self-education, the ability to reclassification for support of social
status of personality etc.
In such terms, it is not enough for a future specialist
to be just competent in the sphere of information technologies: to own wide
range knowledge about information processes and to be able to apply them at
high professional level within the framework of the specialty. He needs objective
personality qualities which enable to refer to information as to the absolute
value; to estimate it critically, keeping the controlled openness at an
information exchange; to resist the manipulation of information that acts in
society and to avoid manipulation of others; to understand force, possibilities
and limitations of application of information technologies; to foresee the
consequences of the information operating on social surroundings and to be
ready to carry responsibility for it
As marks N. G. Dzhincharadze, "… today the actuality is
determined by the necessity of forming for the modern people of culture of
cognition and knowledge of culture. This paradigm creates the certain integral
system determined by the degree of correlation of estimation and interpretation
of values in the context of research of intercommunications between scientific,
technical, social and cultural development of society. For this reason a
comprehension of social and cultural consequences of informatization, computerization
society is actual and provides not only the research of substantial connections
between an information culture and modern computer technologies but also
research of common to mankind knowledge, world culture, consolidation of its
valued maintenance in the modern information culture of personality" [4, p. 6].
Speaking about education, it can be stated that a
process of forming of information culture of students is inalienable part of a
general educational process of higher educational establishments. Efficiency of
pedagogical process appropriately depends on terms which it flows [1]in, and
efficiency of forming of information culture of students depends on certain
pedagogical terms.
Let consider terms "condition" and "pedagogical
condition". In the explanatory dictionary of Ukrainian a "condition" is
interpreted as: "regulations, requirements, implementation of which provides
something" or "circumstances, features of the reality, at which something is
carried out", or a "circumstance, which makes it possible to realize, create,
educate or promote something" and others like that [5, ñ. 617]. It is written in a large soviet encyclopedia, that condition
– is a thing what something other (conditioned) depends on, substantial
component of complex of objects (things, their state, co-operations), from the
presence of which existence of the certain phenomenon follows with a necessity.
This entire complex on the whole is named sufficient [2]. More frequent terms
are examined as something external for the phenomenon, unlike the wider concept
of reason which covers both external and internal factors.
By a factor in science named "reason, motive force of
some process, which determines its character or its separate lines" [3, ñ. 245]. In philosophical research of M. . Parnyuka [6] a factor is
force which operates actively, causes a positive or negative change in a state
of object of analysis. He distinguishes a factor-condition and a factor-reason.
A factor-condition is a factor on the presence of which an origin or
disappearance of investigation depends, whatever of it itself draws. A
factor-reason in relation to investigation comes forward simultaneously and as
reason of transformation of investigation, and as a condition, necessary for
its origin. Between factors and terms there is dialectical intercommunication
which expressed in common connections. Therefore factors perform the function
of terms quite often. However unlike a factor which directly generates this or
other phenomenon, a condition makes the environment, where the phenomenon
arises, exists and develops.
Smirnov S. D. [9] determines pedagogical terms, as
pedagogical circumstances, which assist (or resist) the display of pedagogical
factors, conditioned by an actions. After M. Parnyukom [6, ñ. 93-94] pedagogical terms are an environment, circumstances where
pedagogical factors are realized.
It can be stated that following tasks as search and
ground of pedagogical terms of the successful forming of information culture of
students in domestic pedagogical science was not enough solved.
During the exposure of complex of pedagogical terms we
will take into account the structure of an educational process of higher
educational pedagogical establishment and, in particular, the structure of
process of forming of information culture of students.
A process of forming of information culture of students
in the ordinary terms of an educational process of higher pedagogical
establishment, as any pedagogical process has the system of component, namely –
principal, semantic, effective.
Determining them, it is possible to mark that the
purpose of this process is forming of information culture of students. Being a
general purpose, it disintegrates on structurally less units in accordance with
logic of forming separate components of this culture, namely – base, motivational,
intellectual and the obtained level of their formation.
Yes, forming of base component of information culture of
students forecasts the forming of information literacy, and also forming of the
logical, successive system of knowledge of information technologies, in
particular computer skills and forming of abilities and skills of any activity,
related to information abilities and skills of planning of the activity,
construction of information models, communication, discipline of intercourse
and structuring of reports, using of modern technical facilities in life.
Forming of motivational component of information culture
of students conforms to forming of reasons which induce a person to continuous
education. Forming of intellectual component of information culture of students
is assumed by formed operations of mental activity (analysis, comparison,
selection basic, synthesis, establishing casual connections, abstracting and
others like that), vision of problems and a choice of ways of their decision.
Semantic component of the process of information culture
of students is the knowledge, abilities, skills, reasons, which provide formed
information culture of students, and also special style of thinking, which we
have described as independent and creative.
Effective component of the process of information
culture of students, representing efficiency of its flowing, characterizes the
obtained changes in accordance with desired goal.
During the selection of levels of formation of
information culture of students, taking into account activity of this concept,
leaning works of scientists (L. S. Vigotskogo, P. Ya. Gal'perina etc.), who
developed the productive theory of activity. The essence of it: any activity in
the process of learning is related to semantic cognition, and cognition always
has levels. The degrees of the successive getting up in cognition of
educational information determine character of activity: reproductive or
productive. In the process of reproductive activity a person only reproduces
the knowledge mastered before, without getting new information from the
activity, and vice versa, – in the process of productive activity a student
gets new knowledge: facts, phenomena, processes or methods of activity. These
activities can be performed by personality both independently and with a
certain help from outside. Character of independent reproductive and productive
activities is not identical. In the process of independent reproductive
activity students act "with a prompt" (instruction, reference book and others
like that), or independently – without a "book". In productive independent
activity students work after initial or similar algorithms (help from outside),
transforming them in a new situation, they get the algorithm of action,
discovering for themselves subjectively new information.
Thus, it is possible to select three levels of
formations of information culture of students:
– high – spiritual and practical;
– middle – reflective and transformative;
– low – informative and sign.
These levels coordinate with levels of formation to
understand if personality is ready for the self-education [8].
For the spiritual and practical level of formation of
information culture of students such components as base, motivational and
intellectual are typical. Moreover, it is unlimited, as there are not limits
for perfection of personality properties, his knowledge and abilities. It
should be noticed the lower limit of this formation of culture:
– deep understanding of the role of the logical,
successive system of knowledge of information and communication technologies;
– formed abilities and skills of any activity, related
to information, in particular abilities and skills of planning of the activity,
construction of information models, communication, discipline of communication
and structuring of reports;
– motivation of personality in satisfaction of the
information necessities on the base of knowledge of information computer
technologies, increasing of the cultural and professional world view, development
of abilities and skills of information activity and information intercourse
realized on the basis of the using computer information technologies;
– Formed, independent, creative style of thinking.
Reflective and transformative level is characterized by formed information
literacy of student, aspiration independently to make a goal, in relation to
mastering of modern information computer technologies, abilities and skills, related
to their use. Information necessities of students depend on the information activity
which they are engaged in and reasons of their realization are recognized as
they are formed on the base of:
– satisfaction of the information necessities is on the
ground of knowledge of information computer technologies;
– increase of the cultural, general and professional
world view;
– development of abilities and skills of information
activity and information communication on the basis of using of computer
information technologies.
But not always students find the decision independently,
so ask teacher for help and follow his instructions.
Informative and sign level of formation of information
culture of students is characterized by such indicators: reasons of mastering
of new knowledge, knowledge of new information computer technologies. Students
do not connect the information necessities with their advantage in information
activity. Abilities and skills that belong to informative and cultural person
are not systematized, so a lot of types of information activity cannot be made
by student independently. And as a result of it – the way of students' thinking
do not differ by independency and creativity.
Consequently, to teach personality to think
independently it is necessary to displace priorities in studies in behalf of
preparation of person to the self-education. In such organization of an
educational process literacy outgrows in a culture and becomes the form of
mastering of reality. Therefore organizational and administrative component of
the process of information culture of students reflects cooperation of teachers
and students, their collaboration, organization and control of process, without
which it is impossible to obtain final result. Exactly due to this component,
pedagogical terms that give possibility to form the information culture of
students of higher educational pedagogical establishments will be achieved.
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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012