The influence of sanogenic thinking on the emotional state of the convicted
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012
Author: Kozlovskaya Mariya, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
In the society human life is governed by certain social and
regulatory standards, in which the law occupies a central place. In cases law
is a subject begins to bear legal responsibility, and the state, represented by
authorized bodies, begins to apply the punitive sanction to him. If a person
commits a crime he must be punished. According to the legal doctrine, punishment
is a special measure of state coercion, accompanied by deprivation or restriction
of the rights and freedoms of a person who is found guilty of a criminal act.
Thus, punishment is a charge for the crime, retribution for the damage
inflicted. But, how does effectively isolation an individual from society,
staying in the group of people in a limited space during long period of time
within the scarcity of sensory stimulus and continuous communication with the
same people?
Punishment is applied in order to restore social justice, also for
correction of a convicted and prevent the commission of a new offense by a
convicts or by others people. According to the law a punishment must not cause
the physical suffering or degradation.
A forced social isolation often serves as a punishment, that is,
deprivation of liberty and putting it in a corrective labour institution.
When a convicted stays in social isolation he begins «to exist in a
kind of vacuum» and stops developing as a person. Freedom is known to be a necessary
condition for development. Personality of a criminal begins to undergo a number
of changes.
The generalization of experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Penitentiary Facilities shows the importance of special work in psychological
correction work with the convicted as irreversible changes appear in the
psychological state of the convicted while they are staying continuously in
prison for several years (according to recent studies, this period is three
years). The importance of psychological training has increased significantly
due to the deep analysis of psychological factors, in particular, their role in
repeat criminal offences, in criminology in recent years. The psychological
training for the convicted plays an important role in overcoming recurrent
practice. It performs the initial and final link in the process of correcting
the convicted. Psychological readiness for living in a new environment is
formed with the help of goal-directed activities. Without such help they add to
the already numerous maladjusted, marginalized people and eventually get a
permanent "registration" in the colonies.
Psychological correction work is done during the whole period of
imprisonment. But special emphasis should be placed on a period of adjustment
and the period prior to the release, as at this time the main negative states
are more evident.
The shortage of this psychological preparation has been detected in
recent years; consequently it is possible to say that one of the main
punishment functions, re-socialization of the convicted, is not performed. At
this moment the law provides for psychological services of penal facilities,
because the necessity of physiologists’ active participation not only in crime
investigation, but also in implementation of punishment and execution has been
But in spite of this state of things, a rather paradoxical situation
is forming nowadays: controlling crime, we declare the humane approach to the
punishment determination, (it means the choice individualization and application
of punitive measures with regard to all the personality characteristics of the
convicted person), but actually we do not deal with the correction of
criminals, we just isolate them from the society for a particular term. In
fact, they are separated in order to make them live in the society, their
actions are planned to teach them useful and active behavior, they are kept
among the same criminals to turn their bad habits into good ones, but it just
leads to the mutual baneful influence.
Besides, it is possible to draw an interesting conclusion: as the
convicted person is obliged to be among other criminals, there appears an
invisible borderline between them and free people, the reality changes – the
convicted begin to take themselves as free persons. The consolidation of
prisoners inevitably leads to the differentiation “we” and “they”. Life loses
its diversity because of the division. So, penal facilities cultivate
recidivists, because nowadays criminal subculture influences the personality of
the convicted person more than the official penitentiary system. This is due to
the fact that the national penitentiary system does not have the necessary
theoretical and practical methods, which can improve efficiency of its
Emotions determine a person’s behavior greatly, including criminal
behavior, which is always followed by the punishment, the consequence of any
criminal action.
Punishment is defined as a special measure of the official
enforcement, which is accompanied by deprivation or limitation of freedom or
rights of a person, found guilty of committing a criminal action in the legal
doctrine. This is enforcement measure, expressed in the punishment, having as
its object to make convicted person reform and to reeducate them, to prevent
committing of criminal actions by convicted persons and others and to promote
eradication of crime.
The compulsory social isolation is the reason of changes in mental
condition of a person, because it is connected with various restrictions of the
necessities of life, and some of them cannot be met at all. In other words, the
life in places of confinement subjects a person to the negative mental
Re-socialization of the convicted, as one of the main functions of
the penal facilities, is primarily connected with their value reorientation,
formation of the mechanism of the socially-positive goal-setting, the
development of the steady socially-positive behavior stereotypes.
There are four types of penal facilities for men to achieve these
aims, not including a penal colony settlement and a prison: a general regime
colony, a reinforced regime colony, a strict regime colony and a special regime
colony. The term security determines the confinement conditions of the
Security, in the psychological aspect, is a special organization of
life and activities of the convicted in accordance with laws and regulations.
In a way the life and activity organization has a certain
correctional influence on the person, forming an adequate behavioral
stereotype, habits and personal qualities.
For the imprisoned the confinement security is the same thing as
environment for people who are not in prison. It is different in colonies with
different contingent of the imprisoned – ordinary, strengthened, strict and
special security.
Now penitentiaries of low security are for people with no previous
convictions who have committed offences of no great social danger. Strict
security is for those people who have committed crimes of great social danger
and repeat criminal offenders.
As a result of imprisonment, negative emotions will prevail in the
emotional state of the convicted. The tighter the regime is, the more
limitations the imprisoned have and the more needs are blocked. All that leads
to the increase of tension.
Consequently, the intensity and the specificity of the emotional
state display are directly dependent on the security level of a penitentiary.
The research of the dynamics of the imprisoned person’s personality
results in the conclusion that its evolution in this specific environment is
subject to certain laws and consists of several stages. V.P. Vassilyev singles
out the following stages: 1) arrest; 2) sentence; 3) arrival at a penal colony;
4) first 6-8 months of imprisonment; 5) 3-8 months before release from prison;
6) release from a penal colony.
All these six stages are crucial in the personality dynamics of the
imprisoned at these moments as a dramatic change of a person’s state,
intentions and priorities takes place – fear of the coming penalty during the
arrest, apathy after the sentence, readiness to redeem himself, strive to get
free as soon as possible - this is not the complete list of those emotional
state that a person experiences at different stages, beginning from his arrest
and up to the moment he is free [1].
There are two trends in the convicted person’s dynamics: the first
consists in adaptation to the conditions of social isolation, the second one is
characterized by increasing negative changes in the personality, their fixation
which hampers successful adaptation to the imprisonment conditions, and,
consequently, to further correction and rehabilitation of the convicted.
The personality of the convicted is characterized by a number of
negative psychological states. In psychology the psychological state is defined
as a psychological category consisting of all kinds of integrated impact on the
subject both internal and external stimuli without awareness of its content.
The main negative states of the convicted are increased
irritability, depressive anxiety, tenseness, estrangement, increased aggression
(often unmotivated), despair, sense of deprivation. These negative states
predetermine priorities in organization of correction work with the convicted.
Correction of the criminal cannot be achieved only by external
The above-mentioned predetermines the need for arranging
psychological training in penitentiary facilities, aimed at enhancing psychical
processes, and developing the proper behavior model for the convicted life
after serving a term in prison. The main point in the correction program is
radical change of a person’s attitude both to the environment and to himself.
Therefore, it is clear that at present development of such a system
of knowledge is a pressing problem.
One way to achieve the goal is the method of sanogenic thinking, introduced by Yu. M. Orlov. It defines the following functions of
- First, thinking creates an idea of the things that do not exist
yet, but should be;
- Second, it gives the environment (situations) in which a person
will have to live and act;
- Third, it anticipates the feelings that a person will experience
in this case;
- Fourth, it systemizes the information that a person receives from
the outside and the one that he draws from memory, prepares it in such a way
that it is better to remember and is always at hand;
- Fifth, curbs or excites the senses, creates fear or joy [2].
Specificity of the sanogenic thinking is the ability to use
it for detecting the causes of any condition of the person, primarily, emotional,
which, in turn, influences the choice of behavioral strategies that lead to the
realization of a motive or a group of motives. In the case of committing a
crime, a person may not always be aware of the true motives of his actions,
replacing them by externally imposed ones. Therefore, it is clear that the
ability to think in this way for people who commit crimes or latent criminals
is important. Development of sanogenic thinking is a way that could
affect the process of correcting the person convicted, and, mainly, the process
of further rehabilitation and re-socialization. Sanogenic thinking can
change the self-awareness of the convicted, their attitude to their own needs
and interests, and their feelings and experience through reflection and analysis
of emotions. The above mentioned changes in the style of thinking will lead to
a qualitative change in behavior and the means of achieving goals. For example,
satisfaction of sexual needs is a basic need. But one way to meet this need is
to court a girl, the other one is raping. This example confirms the statement
mentioned above. Thus, we can say that, being able to think in a sanogenic way, gives a person a choice - whether to become a criminal or not.
In the first part of our pilot research project, we decided on the
methods of work. As a result of the content analysis members of the test
correction group were selected. They were studied in detail on the basis of
their curricula vita analysis, as well as by the first psychological test. The
most typical negative emotional states specific to the convicted in the period
preceding the release were identified. It should also be noted that the entire
test group (300 people) was divided into two large groups: prisoners - repeat
offenders and first offenders.
Such a division was made as these two categories of the convicted
are quite different from each other. The former already have the experience of
being in prison and many negative emotional states are either expressed weakly
or not expressed at all.
The second part of our research was devoted to correction work, the
purpose of which was to correct the most striking negative states with the help
of Yu.M. Orlov’s sanogenic thinking technique. After the training was
the second behavior psychological test, designed to assess the efficiency of
the work.
Considering the personality profiles obtained as a result of the
second psychological test and comparing them with the results of the first one,
we see that the character profiles have not changed, the negative states are
expressed less often. In the group of the repeat offenders, only columns VII
(reactive aggression) and IX (self-criticism) rated slightly above average. In
the group of the first offenders only column VII (reactive aggression) is above
average and the sociability level (column V) has decreased. This may be
explained by the fact that during the correction work a need in a thorough
self-evaluation, and they started to deliberately avoid communication. The
changes in the groups are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
1: Graph of personality profiles - the results of averages (FPI (B)
questionnaire) in the group of the repeat offenders (data of the first and
second tests)
Line 1 – Test 1
Line 2 – Test 2
2: Graph of personality profiles - the results of averages (FPI (B)
questionnaire) in the group of the first offenders (data of the first and
second tests)
Line 1 – Test 1
Line 2 – Test 2
Significant changes have taken place, practically, on all scales,
with few exceptions. The difference in the perception of the impact of the
correction work can be explained by the depth of criminalization of a convicted
person and, consequently, the stability of negative phenomena, largely
determining the antisocial personality in general.
In order to analyze the dynamics of anxiety, we used Mc-Nemor G-sign
test and obtained the following results. Both situational and personal anxiety
of repeat offenders have decreased (Gemp = 48 G0.01<55 – situational anxiety, Gemp = 53 G0.01 < 55 - personal anxiety). In the group of the first offenders there is also a reduced
level of both forms of anxiety (Gemp = 19 G0.01 < 60 - situational anxiety; Gemp = 16 G0.01 < 60 – personal anxiety). The results suggest that, as a result of the correction
work there has been a significant decrease in anxiety. And in the first group
of prisoners the significance of this decrease was relatively higher. In
addition it should be noted that after the correction work some research participants
had, on the contrary, the increased level of both personal and situational
anxiety. We can assume that in this case there has been weakening of
psychological protection in the form of "emotional deafness",
which we described earlier as a result of the fact that a participant of the
test group was more actively involved in the correction work and improved his
self-awareness. Therefore, we cannot consider such a response as a negative
result of the correction work.
After processing the data, we conducted a factor analysis to
identify the main factors that have an impact on the convicted person. We
managed to identify the factors that are typical of the first group – repeat
offenders. The first of these has such inherent characteristics as lack of emotional
stability, situational anxiety and aggression, depression, introvert personality
and increased emotional lability. This factor predetermines quick change of feelings
and situation-based outbreaks of aggression against the background of possible
depression. The second factor combines parameters such as increased irritability,
neurotic states, personal anxiety and femininity. This factor leads to the
appearance of the convicted of the so-called feminine type, most often
classified as "excluded."
For the group of first offenders three factors dominate. The first
one is characterized by such parameters as machismo, introvert personality
type, resistance to stress, reserve and spontaneous aggression. This factor
determines the kind of behavior that is characterized by stability, lack of
mood swings, manifestation of aggressive outbursts only in extreme situations.
Great influence this factor has a group of the convicted, belonging to the
category of "authorities." The second factor includes the increased
nervousness, situational and personal anxiety, depression, emotional lability.
The influence of this factor is manifested by in the appearance of neurotic and
depressive states. The factor, most often, affects suspicious, anxious
convicted with uncertain position. The third factor includes increased irritability,
reactive aggression and sociability. It determines, in most cases, uninhibited
aggressive behavior characteristic of the so called "bulls".
Besides factor analysis, we also held cluster analysis; as a result,
we were able to single out 10 clusters for the group of first offenders and 11
clusters for the group of repeat offenders. For each group we developed
detailed recommendations with consideration of the specificity of each of the
selected clusters.
Both groups underwent certain changes in the emotional state after
the correction lessons. The ambiguity of the results is due to the attitude of
the participants to the correction work. Despite a relatively short period of
time and the inability to monitor the lives of the participants after
imprisonment, we can still speak about the effectiveness of the method in
improving the emotional state of correction program participants. During the
research, we were able to identify not only the main features of different
categories of the convicted, but also divide the studied categories of the
convicted into clusters, to determine guidelines for working with each of them
and to identify the range of factors that affect a convicted person in each
category. We can also say that out hypothesis was confirmed:
Sanogenic thinking can correct
and prevent further negative emotional states of the convicted;
- for the convicted of both categories the typical states are
increased depression, anxiety, aggression, and lack of emotional stability;
- the results of the correction work with first offenders are
better, as they are not included in full in the functioning of the criminal
subculture, criminalization and anti-social orientation of the individual is
not rigidly fixed in the personality of the individual, in addition, the
internal structure of first offenders has not undergone most irreversible
changes that take place in repeat offenders and are the result of long social
This study enabled us to formulate the following practical
- There is now a mature, tested method which can improve and
optimize the process of correction and re-socialization of the convicted;
- For its greater efficiency constant, systematic work with the
convicted is required;
The technique is flexible enough as it can be applied to any person
and does not require extensive training of specialists and, more importantly,
suggests that the participants of a correction group are to do much on their
own which, in its turn, ensures a better result in comparison with other types
of re-socialization of the convicted;
- Organization of the correction work requires considering a number
of specific issues: first, it is necessary to note the presence of the
psychological resistance of the convicted. Moreover, the longer the term of
penal punishment is, the stronger the resistance may be. Most often it is
manifested in the denial of the efficiency of this kind of work, which is based
on the feeling "we" and "they." The convicted
tend to believe that the society rejects them, none but the criminal community
needs them, therefore, attention to them, to their lives and fate may be caused
purely by scientific interest, e.g. when correction work is being arranged.
Psychologists very often fail at that, the main argument of the convicted being
"... we do not want to be guinea pigs..." Often, this situation is
exacerbated by improper conduct of penitentiary facility personnel;
- Secondly, there is no possibility to organize correction work
according to all the rules. In particular, there are no opportunity to select
participants of the correction group, in such a way that they may not know each
other, to cluster only men, there is no possibility to take into account age
specificity of the correction program participants, it is impossible to
neutralize the impact of the personnel on the convicts’ behavior, and finally,
there are no specialized facilities. All this leads to the fact that only 70%
of the convicted work with all the material of the correction program; the remaining
30% study the material not so thoroughly because of either selective or
superficial approach;
- Third, it is possible to conduct this kind of work only on the
territory of a penitentiary facility which results in perceiving this kind of
impact as part of measures aimed at providing criminal law penalties, and, in
particular, the security content;
- Fourth, the sex of the instructor (the opposite sex of the
participants) also affects the correction work. This influence is particularly
strong in groups of the convicted for the term of ten to fifteen years. It
takes one-third of the correction program time to overcome this kind of influence
which greatly reduces its effectiveness. However, on the other hand, when the
instructor is a woman it helps solve a very important problem – maintaining
communication skills and interaction with the opposite sex. Therefore, we recommend
that the instructors should be of both sexes;
- Fifth, during the correction program, providing interacting among
the participants, the instructor should take into consideration informal
interpersonal communication among prisoners (in particular, informal
stratification), based on the laws of the criminal subculture. Moreover, the
stricter the security level of a penitentiary facility is, the greater these
characteristics are manifested. Therefore, organizing such correction work with
repeat offenders, one should plan the program thoroughly;
- Sixth, the efficiency of the correction program would increase if
there was a possibility of a long-term observation of the program participants
after they leave the penitentiary facility. Unfortunately, at present this is
not possible due to lack of high level of visitation services and social
welfare services, the police do not want to do this work.
Further research may include studying:
- the effect sanogenic thinking has on correction of juvenile
offenders and convicted women;
- impact of sanogenic thinking not only on the correction of
negative emotional states but also on changes in the purpose orientation of the
- the way sanogenic thinking affects people of different
ethnic groups.
1. Vassilyev, V.P. (1997) Legal Psychology. St. Petersburg
2. Orlov, Yu. (1987) Sanogenic thinking. Moscow
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012