Basic principles of adult learning
Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012
Authors: Assylbayeva Assel, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
Yelakov Vladimir, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
The differences
between an adult and a child are quite obvious. From the point of view of
learning, children are more eager to wonder at new things and new
insights. It is natural for children to focus on the physical world which they
are slowly discovering. Adults, on the other hand, who for the most part
already know what things are, tend to look for meaning and deeper insight. Most
instruction, by necessity and tradition, has been focused on children and young
adults – from elementary to college education. From a teacher’s perspective,
the issue is how one approaches an adult when it comes to instruction. It is
only logical to think that adults have an outlook and needs different from
those of children, hence the need for a different approach. For centur³es, there was
no distinction between the education of adults and of children, although the content
may have been slightly different. Everyone was taught in the same manner
regardless of age, prior experience, or developmental level. The scant
literature or investigation in adult education has led to the notion that the
adult learner is a “neglected species” (Knowles, 1978).
During the middle of the
last century, experience and
research has shown the need for an alternative approach in the practice of
adult education (Godbey, 1978). It was in Europe that the term andragogy was
first used to refer to some form of adult learning. Malcolm Knowles, who
is considered to be
the central figure in the US adult education during the latter half of the 20th
century, learned of the term from a Yugoslavian adult educator and introduced
it into American adult education literature in 1968 (Holton, 2001). Knowles
defined andragogy as the “art and science of helping adults learn” (Knowles,
focuses on the issues concerning the need for a different approach to teaching
adults. The underlying foundat³on of the theory is that adults are different and so a
different style of teaching and of learning should be studied.
The term
“adult” can mean different things to different people. Knowles clarifies what
we mean by the word "adult" from four different perspectives: biological,
legal, social, and psychological (Knowles, 1984). The biological definition of
being an adult can be seen as that age when the person has the capacity to reproduce,
i.e. bear offspring. Most people, regardless of race or culture, reach this age
sometime during adolescence. The legal definition of adult, on the other hand,
varies from place to place. It is defined as that age when we can marry without
consent, vote, get a driver’s license, etc. (Hartree, 1984). Socially, we
become adults when we start performing mature roles such as those of a
full-time worker, a breadwinner for the family, a spouse or a parent, a voting
citizen, and others. Finally, we are considered adults psychologically “when we
arrive at a self-concept of being responsible for our own lives, of being
self-directing” (Knowles, 1984). For Knowles, it is this last definition that
is most important when it comes to understanding adult learning.
differentiated adult learners (“non-dependent” or “member role”) from
non-adults (“dependent” or “student role”) into 10 items (Knowles, 1978):
1) Adult
learners are increasingly independent whereas non-adults are strongly
2) Adult
learners are more self - directed, self-disciplined, and self-operating while
non-adults are more other-directed, need external discipline, and have little
self-operation in effect;
3) Adults are
active learners (student-centered learning) while non-adults are passive
learners (teacher-centered learning);
4) Adults
usually find no “correct” answer for most problems studied/lived while
non-adults usually have a “correct” answer for most classroom problems studied;
5) For
adults, “correctness” of behavior is more rigid and associated closely with
cultural/social stereotypes or tradition while, in non-adults, behavior is not
as rigidly bound by “correct” stereotypes and tradition;
6) Adults are
more aware of the influence and effects of decision-making or problem-solving
processes and, therefore, less likely to implement “theoretical” solutions in
real-life settings whereas non-adults are not as aware of the effects of
decision and are more prone to implement solutions studied in class to
real-life situations;
7) Adults
have more-developed views and a value system which may differ from the teacher
leading to conflict in the learning setting while non-adults are less likely to
have strongly-developed value systems or points of view;
8) Adults
naturally have more and varied life experiences which may be organized
differently that could block, modify, or affect perception, problem-solving,
and decision-making while non-adults have less and fewer kinds of life experiences
and are, therefore, less likely to be influenced in perception,
problem-solving, and decision-making;
9) For
adults, investment of time in a learning activity may be as an important part
of decision for involvement as investment of money or effort; for non-adults,
investment of time in an activity is not usually an important part of decision
for involvement in a learning activity;
10) Active
learning is usually practiced in areas of interest and, therefore, there maybe
less varied learning activity involvement for adults while with non-adults, varied
learning is more common.
According to
andragogy, adult learning is based on originally six key assumptions (Knowles,
a) the need
to know;
b) the
learners’ self-concept;
c) the role
of the learners' experience;
d) readiness
to learn;
e) orientation
to learning;
learners need to know the reason why they need to learn before they make the
first step to learn it (Knowles, 1968). The question adults initially ask is
how the new knowledge or skill would benefit them. One’s grandmother would more
willingly learn how to use a computer and e-mail if she is told that she can
communicate with somebody half a globe away and even be able to receive digital
pictures, which she can print immediately. Another way of looking at it is that
it would be more difficult for adult students to learn something when they do
not understand why they have to learn it. It is a totally different case for
young children who have to accept whatever the teacher presents for learning.
Children normally do not ask how something is applicable in their lives before
learning it.
self-concept of adults revolves more around being responsible for their own
decisions and for their own lives (Knowles, 1984). Adults have a better
self-direction – they can choose where to go, what to know, when to start, etc.
According to Knowles (1978), this can often pose a dilemma in teaching adults.
Normally, adults agree to learn because they are aware that they need to know
something. The teacher is seen as one who has that knowledge or skill. Hence,
adults sometimes feel a conflict between a dependency (on the teacher) and the
deeper psychological need to be self-directing (Knowles, 1978). After
acknowledging this problem, which, according to Knowles, might be one reason
for the high dropout rate in most voluntary adult education programs, adult
educators have worked at creating learning experiences that help adults to make
the transition from dependent to self-directing learners (Knowles, 1978). One
of such methods is involving them in the planning and design of instruction.
As for the
role of the learners’ experience, adults not only have much more experience
than children, their experience is also of a different quality. Naturally,
adults have more experience due to their longer lifetime. However, the quality
of adults’ experience is also different in that there are certain things that
only adults can experience – working full-time, seriously falling in and out of
love, trying to make ends meet financially, etc. Adults have a qualitatively
much wider set of experience. For adults, the quantity and quality of
experiences they bring are in themselves rich resources for learning and reflection.
With their little experience, children normally rely on the experiences of the
teacher, on books, audio-visuals, and other materials.
According to
Knowles, adults become ready to learn those particular things they need to know
and do so they can cope effectively with their real-life situations (Knowles,
1984). In short, it is easier for people to learn when they are developmentally
capable of it and feel the need to learn it. For children, their role is more
passive in that they become ready to learn whenever and whatever the teacher presents
to them else they will fail in the exams.
assumption of orientation to learning is very much related to the previous one
although on a more general level. Adults are more life-centered in that they
are “ motivated to devote energy to learn something to the extent that they
perceive that it will help them perform tasks or deal with problems that they
confront in their life situations” (Knowles, 1984). Experience teaches adults
what to expect from life and they are more willing to prepare for future needs.
Moreover, for adults, the process of learning is in itself important. Thus, it
is an outlook or orientation proper to adults. Children, on the other hand, focus
more on subject matter for learning. They see and experience learning more as
an accumulation of content or an added skill. Younger ones are also more likely
to whine about tedious processes as they are more interested in final results.
Adults are
motivated to keep on growing, developing, and learning. The fact that there is
such a thing as adult education is proof enough that they have this desire to
learn more when they often do not actually need to. With children, it is often
a battle with grades, acceptance, approval, and rewards. These assumptions
reveal an epistemology that is heavily influenced by pragmatism and a little of
interpretivism. The fact that experience and reason play a key role as sources
of knowledge makes andragogy lean more towards pragmatism. On the other hand,
there is also a tint of interpretivism in that each learner will have his or
her own assumption of what reality is based on the uniqueness of each one’s set
of experiences (Knowles, 1968).
assumptions still provide a summary and a clearer picture of who adults are and
where they come from. In fact, the assumptions can be generalized into other
domains and not just in learning (Knowles, 1978).
There are
four basic questions for structuring any learning experience (Knowles, 1980):
1. What
content should be covered?
2. How should
the content be organized?
3. What
sequence should be followed in presenting the content?
4. What is
the most effective method for transmitting this content?
Under a
pedagogical approach, the teacher’s role is to answer and implement the answers
to these questions. Under an andragogical approach, the teacher’s job is to
design a process whereby the learners both help create their own answers to
these questions as well as participate in their implementation.
According to
Knowles, the following principles are the basis for creating practices and
procedures that guide the organization and provision of andragogical learning
experiences (Knowles, 1972). The adult learning characteristics and needs being
addressed by each principle are mentioned in the parentheses:
1. The adult
learner must be able to define what they want to learn (autonomy, personal
need, reasons, and intrinsic motivation);
2. The plans
for the learning program should be made jointly between "teacher" and
"student" (autonomy, personal need, reasons for learning);
3. The adult
must be involved in the evaluation of the learning program (autonomy);
4. The
climate of the learning program must be safe and non-threatening (experience);
5. The
program should relate to and include the adult's existing experiences and
cognitive structure (experience);
6. Learning
activities should be experiential and "hands on" rather than passive
and pedagogical (personal needs, pragmatic experience);
7. Learning
should lead to practical solutions to experienced problems. The curriculum
should be problem-, rather than subject-, based (personal needs, pragmatic
8. The proper
role of the "teacher" is one of process facilitator and co-learner
rather than content expert (autonomy).
translates these principles for adult education into the following practices
and procedures (Knowles, 1978):
1. Climate.
In contrast to the climate in a trad³tional setting where there is a lot of formality
and the teacher is an authority figure, adult learning should be characterized
by mutuality, collaboration, respect, and informality (Knowles, 1978). Since
the adult learner is self-d³rected and internally motivated, it would be beneficial for
both teachers and learners to regard each other more as peers helping one
another. According to Knowles (1978), for many k³nds of learning in adult
education, peers are considered one of the richest resources for learning and
that any form of competition stifles the access to those resources. A climate
conducive to learning should be created. While it is important to provide a
climate that is physically comfortable, the real focus must be on creating a
psychological climate of safety, acceptance, trust, and respect. This is a key
respons³bility of the
2. Planning.
A mutual planning procedure should be used that involves the learner in
planning what the learn³ng will
cover. This is a “cardinal principle of andragogy” (Knowles, 1978). Adults have
a more mature self-concept and far richer experiences. A more concrete example
on this point is the use of learning contracts. Learning contracts provide a vehicle
for making the planning of
learning experiences a mutual undertaking by letting learners participate in
the process of diagnosing their needs, formulating objectives, identifying
resources, choosing strategies, and evaluating their accomplishments (Knowles,
1978). According to St. Clair “the notion of adults working together to design
the educational process encapsulates the core values of andragogy in many ways”
(St. Clair, 2002). Again, it re³nforces the adults’ self-direction. They are masters of
their own destinies.
3. Diagnosis
of needs. One basic way to include the adult in planning involves the following
two-step process. First, desired learning competencies or outcomes are identif³ed, and
second, discrepancies between those desired competencies and the learner's
current abilities are noted. The result is a self-assessment of what the
learner wants to learn. From an honest assessment of their current state, they
can move on to the next step, which is to formulate goals (Knowles, 1978).
4. Formulation
of objectives. The adult should be involved in establishing learning
objectives. The adult learner needs to be a part of this process in line with
the climate of mutuality and collaboration mentioned in the first step and the
involvement of the learner in the overall planning of his or her education
stipulated in the second step (Knowles, 1978). The adult learner should have an
opportunity to exercise self-direction in making the objectives. This gives the
adult learner a sense of control.
5. Design.
The adult should be involved in selecting and planning the sequence and nature
of learning experiences and
resources used in the process. Knowles suggests some concepts of educational
design of a suitable format that takes into account the available resources,
methods, schedule, sequence, social reinforcement, individualization, roles and
relationships, criteria for evaluation, and clarity of the design (Knowles,
1978). Again, this reinforces the adult learner’s self-direction and makes use
of his or her experiences in the process of learning. The design also takes
into account adult learners’ physical and mental conditions – proper
6. Activities.
The activity should be
focused on experiential techniques, making full use of the adult learner’s vast
experiences. Then, in the actual operation of the activities, the teacher’s
role becomes sort of an administrator merely overseeing the adult learner
progress without any hint of authority. The learner usually has enough
motivation and self-direction to do
the activity with little supervision unless he or she needs help or guidance.
Here, the teacher acts more in the capacity of a facilitator, resource person
and mutual student than as independent expert (Knowles, 1978). Knowles
identified a number of specific actions that a teacher should perform in order
to perform the role of facilitator, such as creating the right mood or climate;
helping participants clarify learning expectations and intentions; organizing
and making available a wide
range of learning resources; and reacting to student inquiries socratically by
asking questions rather than providing “expert” answers.
7. Evaluation.
This step should be like a mutual re-diagnosis of needs and how they have or
have not been met. For Knowles, “if every learning experience is to lead to
further learning, as continuing education implies, then every evaluation
process should include some provision for helping the learners re-examine their
models of desired competencies and reassess the discrepancies between the model
and their newly developed levels of competencies” (Knowles, 1978). Adults are
mature enough to honestly see their achievements and possible areas of weakness.
Thus, adults not only can but also do
continue learning in one way or another after completing their
compulsory education. In this case, andragogy is the method of choice for
educating adults because it more adequately addresses the distinctive learning
needs and requirements of the adult learner. Unlike the teacher-controlled
classroom, the andragogical learning
experience is one in which "teacher" becomes a learning facilitator
and co-learner with the "student" as an equal partner in the learning process. According
to the theory, andragogical methods,
by providing autonomy and actively involving adults in this learning process, should
produce more and/ or better learn ing for the adult participants than would the
traditional pedagogical approach do.
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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №4 - 2012