Conflict management as a tactic of modern management in an organization

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №9 - 2017

Author: Parks Esther, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan

Due to existing attitudes towards conflict as a negative phenomenon, most people believe that they cannot manage them and try to avoid them whenever possible. But the conflict badly lends itself to correction, when it has already acquired destructive power, and it enriches life if it is properly managed. Conflict allows you to determine what is needed to develop and improve all areas of the enterprise. He also puts employees in front of the need to constantly communicate with each other and to know each other a little more. People appreciate the need to understand the norms of existence and desires of others and the inability to be free from society by living in it.

Conflict, creating disputes, checks the entire team and every employee separately, and does not in itself strengthen or weaken the organization [1, p. 247].

Conflict needs to be managed, making it as useful as possible. If we avoid discussing our difficulties and fears, it is impossible to understand either the real state or the ways of development, nor to learn any lessons. And if you master the conflict skillfully, it strengthens the collective and the organization as a whole.

"Shygysenergotrade" has a tendency to a constant increase, which positively characterizes the activity of this enterprise.

The average number of employees increases by 1.34% in 2016 compared to 2015 and by 2.42% in 2015 compared to 2014. The number of workers also increases year by year: by 0.92% in 2015 and by 0, 91% in 2016.

During all three years the number of main workers increases by 2.59% and by 5.04% in 2015 and 2016, respectively, while the number of auxiliary workers tends to decrease. In 2015, their number increases by 2.50%, and already in 2016, it decreases by 9.76% [2, p. 18].

This is due, above all, to the combination of one worker two functions. The number of other workers during the analyzed period does not change, because In 2015, reduced by 0.59%, and in 2016 increases by the same number of percent.

"Shygysenergotrade" works profitable. The collective cope with the tasks set.

Working conditions at the enterprise meet all requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Hospital sheets are paid and annual paid leave is provided. Special clothes and special food are allocated according to established norms. Safety and fire safety regulations are observed.

The main technical and economic indicators of the company's activities are presented in Table 1.

The table shows that the increase in sales proceeds is more than two times lower than the increase in production costs. In this regard, net profit in 2016 is lower than in the previous two years. In 2016, the profitability was 0.059.

Table 1. Basic technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

In 2015, profitability takes the most favorable indicators in the period under study - 0.501. It can be seen that in the article of expenses, an increase in wages to employees has a slight effect on the overall increase in production costs.

The economic efficiency of the use of production fixed assets is characterized by indicators of capital productivity, capital ratio and capital-labor ratio.

A general indicator of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets is the return on assets [3, p. 126]. Capital productivity is the ratio of the value of gross output to the average annual cost of production fixed assets.

When calculating the indicator, own and leased fixed assets are taken into account, the OS that are on conservation and leased out is not taken into account.

The rate of return on assets is analyzed in dynamics over a number of years, so the volume of production is adjusted for changes in prices and structural changes, and the cost of fixed assets - by the coefficient of revaluation.

The decrease in the return on assets indicates a decrease in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets. The increase in capital productivity can be achieved both due to the relatively low proportion of fixed assets, and at the expense of their technical level. Decrease in the return on assets indicates an increase in the costs of the reporting period.

Another important indicator characterizing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets is the capital ratio of fixed assets. The cost of production is the average annual cost of production fixed assets per 1 tenge of gross output.

Stock-equipping grows from year to year. With a slight change in the number of employees, this indicates the renewal of fixed assets in the enterprise, the modernization of machinery, etc.

Analysis of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets showed that the company is updating its fixed assets. For this reason, the indicators of capital productivity and capital ratio decrease.

Using the balance of the company for three years, a condensed balance was drawn up (Appendix A). The condensed balance makes it possible to make a preliminary assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise. First, there are articles that speak of unsatisfactory work - these are losses. Secondly, the articles testifying to certain shortcomings are a large accounts payable. Accounts payable in the enterprise under investigation is low.

Revealing the causes of conflicts between employees is one of the main reasons for developing a socio-psychological typology of conflicts.

This typology is proposed on the basis of studies conducted at the enterprise "Shygysenergotrade" in the department of energy inspection. This typology is based on the interrelationships of people within their relationships in the primary production team. First, these are interrelationships of a functional nature, determined by joint labor activity. These relationships are both direct and indirect. Thirdly, these are psychological relationships that are caused by the needs of people in communication.

Conflict between employees and the boss is often based on the failure of additional work, which is not related to their professional activities. When one of the inspector engineers is temporarily absent (due to illness, administrative leave), the chief shifts his duties to a dispatch engineer, and the dispatcher, in turn, refuses to do anybody else's work without payment [3, p. 158]. The chief motivates it by the fact that the job description says that the employee is required to perform one-off instructions from the head, although these instructions are given regularly. The head suppresses the interests of workers, and the workers no longer defend their opinion and carry out this work, as the refusal is fraught with the loss of the premium and the reduction of the KTU (labor participation ratio). In this case, they stick to the adaptation style.

Conclusion: In the analysis of conflict situations it was revealed that in the department for work with clients two styles predominate, the style of adaptation and compromise. The test showed that the style of competition and compromise prevails.

With more detailed consideration of conflicts, it became clear that the difficulties may be due to the fact that people do not know how to behave rationally in a conflict situation. The test used for the behavior in the conflict [4, p. 68] helped to determine how inherent the rational and non-rational behavior of employees in confrontation with other people.

On the ways of resolving conflicts, one can speak only when emotions have died down and the parties are ready for the rational conduct of negotiations.

If the employee understands that as a result his situation will improve, he will be more optimistic about the process of finding the best ways out of the conflict.

To improve relations and end conflicts, I recommend using a partner type of conflict resolution.

«The head of the department of energy inspection must learn to perceive the arguments of the opposite side, strive to combine personal and organizational factors. Readiness for compromise, mutual search for solutions, perception as a normal factor of activity are those conditions that favor the preservation of business and personal contacts without conflicts. He recommends training for personal growth» [5, p. 83].

In order to improve the psychological culture of employees, it is advisable to conduct trainings on the development of behavioral skills in a conflict situation, to improve the psychological skills of confident behavior, personal growth.

It is necessary to strengthen moral and material incentives for work, create an atmosphere of support and mutual understanding between employees, as well as a favorable climate in the team. To do this, you should often praise workers for their good work, declare their gratitude, raise premiums, and increase KTU.

Thus, in a conflict situation or in dealing with a difficult person, one should use this approach, which is more in line with the concrete circumstances, and in which one can feel most comfortable. The best advisers in choosing the best approach to conflict resolution are life experience and the desire not to complicate the situation and not to bring a person to stress.

It is necessary to achieve a compromise, adapting to the needs of another person; Persistently pursue the implementation of their true interests in another aspect; Avoid discussion of the conflict issue, if it is not very important for you; Use the style of cooperation to meet the most important interests of both parties. Therefore, the best way to resolve a conflict situation is to consciously choose the optimal behavior strategy.

Experts have developed many recommendations concerning various aspects of people's behavior in conflict situations, the choice of appropriate strategies for behavior and means of conflict resolution, as well as its management.

It is believed that a constructive resolution of the conflict depends on the following factors:

- the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, that is, sufficiently accurate, not distorted by personal predilections, assessments of actions, intentions, both of the enemy and of one's own;

- openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and ways out of the conflict situation;

- creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

"Depending on how effective the conflict management is, its consequences will become functional or dysfunctional, which in turn will affect the possibility of future conflicts: eliminate the causes of conflicts or create them" [6, p. 95].

After the developed recommendations have withstood the legal and environmental inspections, an organizational and economic audit is conducted.

The economic substantiation of design decisions, and also organizational: the social, social-psychological, ergonomic, psychological, etc. is carried out.

The expected (as a rule, annual) economic effect and economic efficiency of the proposed solutions are calculated.

Based on the recommendations on resolving conflict situations at the enterprise "Shygysenergotrade", considered in section 3, we will give an economic evaluation to this project.

In order to improve the psychological culture of employees, it is advisable to conduct trainings.

The main reasons for conflict situations in an organization are the limited resources that need to be divided, the interdependence of tasks, the differences in goals, the differences in the values presented, the differences in the manner of behavior, the level of education, and poor communication, the imbalance of jobs, lack of motivation to work . Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. The structure of the organization is a defining moment for the typology of emerging conflict situations. In vertically-oriented organizations, conflicts are mainly vertical "boss-subordinate", in horizontally-oriented organizations, horizontal conflicts "worker-worker" are added to these conflicts.

Changing attitudes to conflict almost means changing the outlook on life. If you try to look at conflicts in a new light, you can confidently and even creatively find a way out of them.

The consequences of conflict situations are also not always unambiguous. The conflict can lead both to the improvement of the functioning of the organization as a whole (its departments in particular), and to the disintegration of the organizational structure, the cessation of the organization's activities (in accordance with its goals and objectives). Consider the functional and dysfunctional consequences of the conflict only from the point of view of their balance. It is impossible to achieve an unambiguously positive or unequivocally negative way out of the conflict. Always as a result, there will be both constructive and destructive moments of the conflict for the organization, units, people.

Thus, even at the initial stage, various organizations are divorced in different fields of activity, their functions are delimited and points of acute contact and conflict-related tension are removed.

It is necessary to regulate the employees of the enterprise with the rights and duties:

- the right to demand worthy educational and social services from the enterprise;

- the right to realize their creative ideas within the projects of the enterprise;

- the obligation to be responsible for the results of their activities or inaction.

In difficult situations, it is not always necessary to seek an impeccable solution. Such a search can not only put us in a desperate situation, but in itself it may not be appropriate. We need to look for a working solution that will change the situation, behavior and thinking.

Now, more than ever, it is important to remember that improving discipline cannot be achieved only by administrative measures. In the period of democracy, the demands on people are increasing, but the ways of influencing them, the methods of upbringing, are changing. [7, p.338].Now the success in the work is led not so much by instructions, orders, orders to employees, how much logic, beliefs, example. And this puts high demands on the intellect, the erudition of the leader, and his psychological and pedagogical training. There is an internal conflict, the need, regardless of the objective difficulties, to work tirelessly on you, to improve your professional skills and ability to work with people. But not all managers understand this right away. There are clashes between masters and workers, department heads and employees, often escalating into conflict

Conflict is not a tragedy; it has a right to exist. Within any cooperation of people competition and rivalry between its members inevitably arise. [8, p. 159]. It is naive to think that in the team there can be peace and quiet, under which no one enters into a dispute with anyone, there are no contradictions. Conflicting life is an illusion. In any educational institution, in the enterprise or in the organization, a new, advanced one defends the right to exist in the struggle against the old, in overcoming stagnation and conservatism, negative habits, dogmatic opinions. Different types of struggle create conflict situations, exacerbating contradictions, which increase emotional excitability and mental tension of people.

Summarizing the above, it is worth emphasizing once again that the ability to manage conflicts is the most important professional quality of a manager, without which it is inconceivable to effectively perform his functions.

The basis for conflict management is the understanding of social conflict as a type of social interaction that is characterized by a confrontation between social actors (individuals, groups, communities, parties, countries, etc.) due to the contradiction in their needs, interests, goals, and social statuses , Roles and functions, and focused on achieving remuneration by imposing one's will, obedience, weakening, elimination, and in some cases also the destruction of an opponent seeking to achieve About the same remuneration.


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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №9 - 2017

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