Organizational aspects of development and implementation of information learning systems

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №3 - 2011

Author: Chettykbayev Ruslan , Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan

At the end of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the twenty first century scientific and technical progress conditioned by informational and communicational technologies (ICT) onrush caused a number of new logical tendencies in all areas of life. The process of informatization of education which can be considered as a line of socialization and human development under conditions of modern scientific technical revolution is very important for the modern society. It is significant for higher education system because generally the improvement of professional education is carried out through the individual experience of a particular educator. Meanwhile, particular methods do not consider sociology, psychology, age physiology and management theory achievements at a proper level. At the same time, the didactics and private methodology developing content, objects and methods of professional education should reflect the basic achievements in the field of modern information science (Beshen-kov A.S., Kozlov O.A., Kuznetsov A.A., Lapchik M.P., Matrossov V.D., Henner Ye. K. and others) and professional education computerization (Polyakov V.A., Panyukva S.V., Robert I.V., Sofronova N.V and others). The achievements of such sciences as general management theory, computer sciences, logics and psychology turned out to be unclaimed in the practice of higher education system. At the same time, the abilities of computer science methods, activity approach and management theory under conditions of wide usage of ICT facilities in professional education are not studied in full.

Modern information technologies provide students with access to non-traditional courses of information, increase the efficiency of unsupervised work, give new opportunities for creative work and consolidation of different professional skills, and allow implementing new forms and methods of education using mathematical simulation of the phenomenon and processes.

Informational technologies of education provide a teacher with an opportunity to apply both particular types of educational work and their complex for achievement of the didactic goals, thereby creating educational environment. Teacher-orientated tools allow updating the content of the automated education programs according to the modern knowledge and technology concepts.

Development and implementation of informational technologies into the educational process of higher education system are carried out according to the state scientific and technical programs that are executed by the educational institutions, regional centers of informatization and research organizations dealing with educational problems and new information technologies.

Under conditions of a drastic shortage of resources and means during the process of developing scientific and technical programs for information technologies growth, it is useful to set the following priorities:

• Usage of information technologies in educational purposes;

• Usage of programs that can be widely applied in the educational process, e.g. courses taking a considerable part of the schedule: disciplines of the basic educational cycle (natural scientific, humanist, socioeconomic, general-technical cycles);

• Implementation of projects provided with program-methodical complexes that are very important for disciplines regarding scientific, technical and methodical base changes;

• Conducting Research projects aimed at scientific support and methodological provision with information supply of education.

The following problems were appointed as the main tasks of information support of education:

• Providing all higher education institutions of Kazakhstan with Internet access on the basis of development of their own telecommunication structures;

• Development of the uniform system of informational resources based on WWW-technologies and databases with remote access;

• Creation of a new generation of the intellectual program-instrumental development environments of teaching computer programs, designing and scientific researches automation systems;

• Target development of the program-methodological complexes in different disciplines of a study plan;

• Development of liberal education information support;

• Further improvement of information technologies of distance education and their implementation in practical projects (on a priority basis in regions);

• Development of electronic textbooks including textbooks for distance education;

• Creation of normative legal support basis of the program products, developed for computer maintenance of the educational process;

• Wide implementation of open-ended system technologies during development of computer teaching programs and systems of scientific researches automation.

One of the most important components of information system in education is development and implementation of the state informational technologies of knowledge testing at all levels of educational system.

1. Telecommunication technology

Telecommunication technologies give new possibilities for students and teachers. Scientific research has shown that computer networks actualize need of a student to be a member of a social community. The increase of interest to study and consequently a general increase of study progress were mentioned. International telecommunication projects spread all over the world. With the use of new informational technologies the interregional and international competitions are carried out.

2. Computer-aided training courses

Computer-aided training courses are developing in educational system very fast. Such courses include programs, methodological and study materials (slides, handouts, audio, video materials, etc.) that are necessary for different types of educational process.

Nowadays there is a tendency to develop and use the integrated systems supporting different information components such as texts, dialogs, image data including analytical and imitation models of explored objects and phenomenon, databases and expertise, support system of defined professional actions implementation: scientific and engineering calculations, computer-aided development, etc.

3. Distance education

The experience of long-term existence of higher education institutions has shown that individual education is the most popular type of long professional education, but its main limitation factor is time. In a system of professional development and retraining a time factor mainly appears in a mismatch of the term needs of a specialist in studying facilities with declared schedule in an educational institution. The other important side of the problem is a content of study programs that do not take into consideration the individual requirements of potential students.

Thereby, the research of alternative ways of education individualization is still an actual problem.

Qualitatively new possibility of a self-preparation and improvement of professional knowledge offer new informational education technologies at a distance (distance education) using local and global networks, CDs, videos, television cable casting and satellite broadcasting.

As opposed to traditionally organized courses of resident education and nonresident education, usage of informational technologies allows educating directly from the workplace which in case of proper organization allows personalizing this process and provides with necessary time for education without any interruptions during your work.

The conception of computer education is based on the principles of learning process autonomy (self-education). Its implementation assumes a new combination of studying and controlling programs with developed component of mutual moral responsibility of teachers and students. The autonomy in the educational process supposes not only higher educational institutions independence, but also a right of students to choose an individual educational directions within the scope of multilevel educational system.

4. Specialists training at the field of new informational technologies

Nowadays there is a lack of specialists in the field of new informational technologies. Especially it concerns modern technologies for work with information in local and global computer networks. At the same time, since foreign market of electronic communication and information develops more dynamically, it is necessary to expect the development of these tendencies in our country that can increase a gap between supply and demand on the specialists of appropriate specialization.

A lack of specialists aggravated by the processes of their switching from higher schools to business and other corporations may become an obstacle for creation of the uniform system of informational recourses of education. In addition, there is a risk that created system will be used insufficiently because of low level of potential users training. Thus, we can distinguish two main goals:

1. To increase the capacity and level of training specialists in creation of modern informational recourses;

2. To improve the preparation quality of specialists in using modern informational recourses.

The solution to these problems requires training narrow specialists, developing appropriate programs, educational and methodological literature and improvement of study process quality. For example, it is necessary to organize training of qualified administrators and postmasters for the endpoint and reference nodes of computer networks, for information and communication nodes of higher educational institutions and other organizations.

The usage of new informational technologies is restrained by their inefficient active distribution among potential users, such as teachers, scientists and management personnel of the institution of higher education that sometimes hardly imagine capabilities of teleconferences, post and files servers, and modern technologies for information searching. This problem requires training and re-training the university personnel using all forms of professional development.

There are basic directions that were formulated with a glance of examined basic principles of the information support of education process:

1. Conception of the education information support process development (including usage of computer technologies in every department).

2. Development and creation of information network with a purpose of providing all students with access to networks recourses of the university and Internet;

• formation of Internet class providing students who do not have their own modern computers and teachers and researchers with access to the Internet from their workplaces;

• development of the University Internet Center; organization of open access classes;

• organization and regular conduct of courses and seminars regarding work with new network products (initially for teachers);

• expansion, development and continuous support of WWW-server of the university; creation of WWW-servers of departments; creations of educational WWW-servers;

• formation, development and continuous support of department intranets;

• formation and support of distributive databases in different enterprises and in different academic subjects.

3. Development and implementation of teaching and methodological software for teaching new informational technologies:

• development of computer-aided courses; formation of a technological database for development of electronic and video courses; monitoring, analysis and implementation of modern program products and technologies for developing computer-aided training courses;

• development of the replication, distribution and support of computer-aided training courses; creation of educational video library;

• certification and quality assessment of software tools of training purpose.

4. Accounting organization of teaching courses requiring computer methods of teaching, searching for software tools for education in Kazakhstan and abroad, preparation of recommendations about acquisition of specific packages; a preliminary analysis of suggested systems quality.

5. Initiation of testing center. Organization of students and school students line testing using computer technologies; development and approbation of new testing methods.

6. Development of distance education system:

• Development of the Concept of Distant Education System on the basis of a university;

• Initiation of a specialized computer class for distance education equipped with multimedia assets and a video class (due to these classes formation, education methods efficiency would be tested. Also it will give an opportunity to implement experimental maintenance of the developed programs and methodological provision of courses, demonstrating various educational technologies capabilities, peculiarities of educational process and methodological and scientific seminars holding);

• Development of informational networks for distance education for correction or addition of individual or general educational programs; organization of access to Kazakhstan and foreign educational databases.

7. Improvement of information technology specialists training:

• improvement of instructional plans and programs in computer science (examination and practical mastering of network technologies);

• training and retraining of teachers;

• expansion and intensification of interaction between Informational Technologies Center and departments;

• organization of Education Center using new (network) informational technologies;

• creation of specialized laboratory for highly skilled specialist training in the field of modern information technologies.

Implementation of the directions mentioned above would practically ensure the activation of scientific and technical recourses usage by university graduates as the main source of revival and progress of the country. Consequently, implementation of these principles would efficiently assist the dynamic increase of economic potential and social prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №3 - 2011

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