Introduction of innovative-investment approaches to the industry of Kazakhstan

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №2 - 2011

Author: Kurmangaliyev Аrman, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan

Metallurgy of Kazakhstan is characterized by the presence of a rich mineral and raw-material base having considerable potential, not only within the limits of the country, but also on a global scale. For stocks of many metal ores (chrome, manganese, iron ore, other) the country is included into ten leading countries, as well as for stocks of coal. Security of the metallurgical enterprises by the specified raw materials makes at current capacity from 50 till 300 years. Ore deposits are basically complex, i.e. containing some kinds of metals in ore that demands application of various technologies of extraction, enrichment and processing. All it is the basic precondition of growth of branch on which development other factors work also: rather developed infrastructure, professional shots, property complexes and fixed capital of metallurgical appointment.

The development of metallurgical branch of the republic of Kazakhstan from the moment of the country’s independence reception proceeded differently, but catastrophic recessions (several times) both in extraction, and in processing wasn't observed. It is sufficient enough to analyze dynamics of an index of physical volume of metallurgical production of republic enough. For Kazakhstan within the years 1991-2010 in percentage by the last 1991-1994 reduction of volumes of extraction and manufacture because of rupture of economic communications within the limits of the USSR and the economic destabilization caused by it is characteristic. The period of time from the years 1995 till 2000 are distinguished by resuscitation of branch and return lost after reception of independence of positions. Within the years 2000 and 2004 shows branch decreasing, but steady rates of increase. Up to 2010 the level of production remains almost constant, each next year slightly above or below previous, on the average exceeding indicators of the previous period.

The titanium industry of the Republic Kazakhstan is presented by the unique enterprise – Joint-Stock company «Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium plant» (further, JSC “UK TMP”) which manufacture (basically reception of a titanic sponge) is based till now on imported from abroad raw materials. Joint JSC “UK TMP” unlike two other similar industrial complexes of the CIS – in Ukraine (Zaporozhye – ZТМP) and in Russia (Bereznikovsky – BТМP) – only in 2001 has begun manufacture of titanic slag and basically imports it from the countries of near and far abroad.

At the same time the production of JSC “UK TMP” was guided completely by imported raw materials from Ukraine and Russia, and the choice of a site of this power-intensive enterprise has been defined, first of all, proceeding from power security and as a whole the developed infrastructure of region. The issue of creation owns raw-material base of the titanic industry in Kazakhstan practically was not given any attention.

Research of problems of development of manufacture of titanium and magnesium production in JSC “UKTMP” testifies that in view of a number of the objective reasons, conditions and factors (complication of public requirements, fast updating of innovations, etc.) irrespective of degree of perfection of a control system of industrial complex the additional special mechanism of influence on innovative process is necessary. It means that in industrial complex manufacture two interconnected control systems of innovative process function.

The control system of innovative processes considerably differs from management of other social and economic processes by objectives, the maintenance, functions, principles and methods. The management purposes innovative process, are:

– Continuous updating of assortment and the nomenclature of let out production, and also the applied techniques, technology, methods of the organization of manufacture;

– The further development of scientific and scientific and technical potential of the company, creation of a scientific reserve.

Today share JSC “UKTMP” in the world market of the titan makes about 14%, thus half of import of the spongy titan in the market of the USA is necessary on the Kazakhstan metal.

World demand for titanium rolled products during the period till 2017, under the forecast of Japanese company "Chori", will be characterized by the following data (table 1).

Table 1 – World demand on titanium rolled products, thousands tenge

Apparently from table 1, world demand for titanium rolled production for the analyzed period of time will be 3,9 times higher.

Now the spongy titan is certificated by all manufacturers of the world‘s aircraft engines («General Electric», «Pratt and Whitney», "Rolls-Royce", "Snekma" etc.). Besides, manufacturing and quality system are certificated under last versions ISO-2000, special air and space standard AS 9100 and under the international standards of ecological activity ISO 14001 and labor safeties OHSAS 18001.

Research of the world market of demand on titanium production of JSC “UK TMP” testifies that about 40% of production is claimed in the USA, 20% – in Europe, 20% – in the Asian countries and 10% – in the CIS countries, i.e. almost all goes for export. Proceeding from it the mixed transportations of the Kazakhstan export cargoes with use of transport potential of Kazakhstan, are rather important today.

Now the area of the mixed transportations of Kazakhstan export cargoes is in a transition state. The railway tries to order process of export transportations by their planning, to reach according to the lights, timely carrying out of loading and unloading of a railway rolling stock.

The innovative cycle in the developed raw-material base of JSC “UK TMP” includes following links: a science-manufacture-consumption. They possess relative independence.

The science in JSC “UKTMP” system is represented by fundamental, search and applied researches, and also technical workings out at which there is an element of creativity, search new (quite often essentially new) scientific and technical decisions.

Studying of materials of a mineral and raw-material base of Kazakhstan has shown that stocks on deposits Obuhovsky, Shokash and Satpaevsky (former Bektemir) demand carrying out economic and geological prospecting works. Transition to local raw materials at the expense of development Shokashsky (the Aktyubinsk area), Obuhovsky (Akmo-linsky area) and Satpaevsky (the East Kazakhstan area) deposits will allow lowering the cost price of production at JSC “UKTMP”.

At the same time the Satpaevsky deposit is the most perspective for joint-stock company JSC “UKTMP” both on a territorial arrangement and on volumes of stocks and concentration of metals in ore, therefore efforts of the enterprise are focused on this deposit.

All it allows the grounds for input of the Satpaevsky deposit in the project coordinated and confirmed when due hereunder «Trial site» which problem consists in working off of technology of extraction and processing of ilmenite ores and preparation of the feasibility report on perspective expansion of the enterprise.

Research of problems of a choice of the optimum scheme of transportation of raw materials from the Satpaevsky mineral deposit, in particular ilmenite ore sand, will allow to reduce import of an ilmenite concentrate practically twice depending on volumes of output.

In view of this fact the schemes of transporting ilmenite concentrate from the Satpaevsky deposit on concentrating factory of JSC “UKTMP” are analysed.

In table 2 the transport infrastructure of the East Kazakhstan area is presented.

Apparently from table 2, crucial importance at a choice of the scheme of transportation a total cost of transportation on delivery has quantities of raw materials. Besides, each scheme of transportation should submit to rules of transportation of cargoes on the involved types of transport and contains a certain complex of the logistical operations also influencing expenses. Observance of rules of transportation, for example, the minimum transit norms, leads to change of frequency of deliveries of raw materials and consequently, influences the size of industrial stocks.

Table 2 – Conditions of transporting by various means of transportation

The transport system (automobile, river and rail-road types of transport) East Kazakhstan area with a view of optimization of the scheme of transportation of raw materials from the Satpaevsky deposit is investigated. Economic calculations confirm what most effectively to transport raw materials from the Satpaevsky deposit on concentrating industrial complex of JSC “UK TMP” motor transport. It allows reducing delivery of cargoes till 1 day instead of 3–5 days river or by rail.

Economic benefit of realization of the offered actions allows reducing delivery of raw materials from a deposit to concentrating industrial complex of JSC “UK TMP” motor transport to 7–10% in comparison with river and by rail. Annual economic benefit will make more than half billion tenge. However the above-stated projects demand attraction of investments.

For potential investors of Kazakhstan this factor is, of course, important, but not the crucial one. Partners are involved with such key factors, as political stability and successes in transformation of economic way. Work with investors is one of the primary goals of the Program of the forced industrially-innovative development developed on the instructions of the President of the country starting in last year. Thus the accent becomes on attraction of direct investments in creation export-oriented manufactures aimed at output with high added cost. The government for this purpose creates all necessary conditions. The majority of partners and independent experts share opinion that among all CIS countries in Kazakhstan an optimum investment climate.

Arguments in protection of the given thesis are:

First, Kazakhstan has the favorable geopolitical position giving to investors the consumer market almost in half-billion the person (the Central Asia, the Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation). Besides, within the limits of the created Customs union to Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus the market in capacity in 170 million persons opens. And this circumstance creates the big possibilities and prospects for the foreign companies.

Secondly, the considerable role is played by presence of rich mineral resources. Kazakhstan is on the 9th place in the world on oil stocks, on 8th – on coal and molybdenum stocks, on 5th – on stocks of iron ore, on 3rd – on zinc stocks, on 2nd – on uranium stocks, on 1st place – on chrome stocks.

And at last, an important role the business climate of the country supported by the favorable investment legislation, attractive measures of support of investments, and also economic and political stability plays. Creation of comfortable conditions for investors is a priority of the Government and the Ministry of the industry and new technologies in particular.

According to the instructions of Kazakhstan’s President state system measures and programs of support of the business, reflected in four complex programs are developed: «Investor-2020», "Productivity-2020", "Export-2020" and «Business Road map-2020». In these documents various tools of stimulation are provided: from granting of service support to exporters and investors before support by financial and fiscal measures.

The state is ready to offer the foreign investors realizing projects in priority branches of economy, the full spectrum of investment support is a participation in an authorized capital stock, granting of extra financing, leasing, use of possibilities, use of investment preferences, analytical maintenance, export support.


1. The message of the President of Republic Kazakhstan of N.A. Nazarbaev to the people of Kazakhstan «New Decade – New Economic Lifting – New Possibilities of Kazakhstan» from 1/29/2010.

2. The message of the President of Republic Kazakhstan of N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Through crisis to updating and development” from 3/6/2009

3. Strategy of industrially-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. The report of Government RK on results of social and economic development for 2009 (

5. Strategy of territorial development of Republic Kazakhstan till 2015

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №2 - 2011

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