The theoretical basis for the functioning of the system of internal corporate training of personnel in the new economic conditions

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №11 - 2019

Tokarchuk Victor, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
Nepshina Victoria, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan

In modern conditions, the need for an effective investment policy regarding the development and training of personnel is no longer in doubt among management of dynamically developing and successful companies.

Building an effective corporate personnel training system is now becoming a prerequisite for improving business efficiency, an important factor in competition. Companies that approach the learning process from innovative positions get one undoubted advantage - speed, which allows you to quickly adapt personnel training to the company's goals in a changing business environment.

When developing a corporate strategy for staff training, it is necessary to take into account the factors that today determine the specifics of HR-work. First, there is an intellectualization of workplaces - IT-products are widely implemented in all areas of society. The next factor is associated with changes in the labor market - a narrow specialization, high mobility and increased staffing requirements. It is important to note that the quality and level of training in local markets often do not meet very many international requirements [1].

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance of the issues of the strategic development of the enterprise, and the staff, in turn, is the organizational resource that is directly involved in the company's development processes and ensures the achievement of its strategic guidelines.

Modern enterprises now face the following questions: how to organize training in these conditions, for which professions to train and retrain, what should be the educational and methodological support, where to find sources of funding, what is the role of the state in supporting training and its regulation. Modern production is becoming increasingly anthropocentric, giving priority to man, his knowledge, competencies, and motivation. Under these conditions, the efficiency of economic activity is not limited only to the receipt of profits by enterprises, but, to an increasing extent, to the formation of an appropriate personnel potential, the humanization of production, the development of the employee's personality, and the satisfaction of its diverse needs. Internal corporate training of an enterprise is largely capable of solving these problems [2].

The formation of a knowledge economy, fierce competition in the market and constantly changing economic conditions increase the need of an industrial enterprise for modernization, which, in turn, requires the management of the enterprise to invest not only in the acquisition of new technology, but also in human capital.

Personnel training is the most important condition for the success of a modern organization. This is due, above all, to the realities of the present: changes in science, technology, economics and society that are taking place today are so rapid that an employee has to constantly pursue his education in order to meet the demands of the times. The concept of lifelong learning has become relevant already half a century ago. It was then, with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, that the world over paid attention to the fact that professional knowledge becomes obsolete faster than it can be obtained in the full education cycle. And most importantly, there was a fundamental change and rethinking of the role of man in production. Now, it is the staff that is the key factor in the long-term and stable operation of the enterprise. A well-trained, qualified and highly motivated staff becomes a competitive advantage.

The current situation indicates the process of formation of an employee of a new type. A successful employee should possess not only high professional competence, but also general erudition, strategic thinking, technical literacy, creative attitude to work, enterprise, master the basics of self-management, be ready to constantly change and develop with the organization. That is why the need to inculcate a culture of continuous staff training in enterprises is obvious [3].

Today, focusing on the needs of a competitive market, it is necessary to learn, confirm and improve your own qualifications continuously. The most promising and acceptable for both employees and enterprises in these circumstances is corporate training.

The catastrophic shortage of qualified personnel, caused by the difficult situation of the vocational education system, the complex socio-demographic situation and a number of other factors, compels modern enterprises in Kazakhstan to independently engage in training and improving their skills. This system, the system of corporate staff training, is increasingly used by many companies.

A personnel training is an essential tool by which management gains the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of an organizational culture.

In the conditions of rapid changes in the market situation, more than ever, we need bright talents and fresh ideas that can provide a high level of competitiveness.

Organizations that are ready to invest money in the training of their employees can expect that employees who have improved their professional skills will be able to more easily and quickly solve more complex tasks, will be more persistent in finding and more often finding the best answers to emerging questions, and more quickly coping with difficulties in work, they will have a higher level of commitment to their enterprise, a higher willingness to work for it with full dedication.

Modern approaches to the management of organizations are based on the fact that staff is considered as a key factor determining the efficiency of the use of all other resources.

As the experience of the most successful domestic and foreign companies shows, investments in personnel, creation of conditions for the growth of workers and increase of their professional potential give 2'3 times higher returns than means aimed at solving production problems [4].

A serious problem for many organizations is the retention of trained workers.

By investing money in staff training, an organization thereby increases the value of its most important capital, people.

But at the same time, some organizations are faced with the fact that, having spent a lot of money on training, after some time they may not be accounted for by a significant part of the trained workers - they are bought up by other more agile organizations.

Saving on staff training, these companies are willing to pay higher wages, provide a wider range of benefits, better working conditions or greater opportunities for professional growth and promotion of employees [5].

It turns out that we are preparing cadres for others, say the leaders who are faced with this problem, and throw money down the drain. We invest in training, and our employees are repurchased by other organizations.

However, most often blame should not be on competitors who lured trained personnel, but on themselves for the fact that learning outcomes were not claimed, because trained personnel were not encouraged to achieve a higher level of qualification.

Unfortunately, such a policy has become widespread in the work of many organizations, when workers are sent for training or refresher training, without making any effort to make their work after studying more meaningful, more responsible, to increase the level of their remuneration, to open new perspectives of career growth, career advancement, or the scope of their work responsibility has expanded.

This reduces not only the return that an organization can receive from its staff as a result of training, but also the motivation of employees to learn.

In order to reduce the risk of losing workers, students or improving their skills through the organization, many companies develop and implement a system of legal, organizational and moral and psychological measures aimed at securing and retaining this category of workers in the company [6].

Personnel training plays an important role in conveying to the workers the basic meaning and necessity of the changes, explaining their essence, in order to gain support for innovations not only from the line management and middle managers, but also from the bottom, from the rank and file of the organization.

Training and staff development should not be a matter of personnel service only.

All members of the organization, especially top and middle managers, should understand the goals and objectives of staff training and be aware of its importance for the development of the organization.

Managers who spare money for the training and retraining of employees are faced with the fact that their plans to reorganize and develop the organization are seriously affected by the poorly trained staff.

Personnel training cannot be considered as an activity that has only an auxiliary value for the survival and prosperity of an organization, since its ability to quickly adapt to external and internal changes is a determining condition for an organization's economic health.

The concept of "corporate training" is still not widespread in the theory of organization and personnel management. Behind him has not developed a clear definition. Rather, corporate training is a concept formed by the practice of the work of large organizations, firms and companies, so-called corporations [7].

Corporate training is a special system of training, focused on the personnel of a particular enterprise, based on solving specific problems for a particular organization. Corporate training is conducted both in the enterprise, in corporate training centers, in subordinate educational institutions of professional education, and in third-party educational organizations with the involvement of both its own and external teachers.

This training system is significantly different in orientation from the school or university. Knowledge, skills and abilities are not general (general educational or vocational) in nature, they are directly aimed at improving the efficiency of production activities.

Corporate training occupies a special place in the organization's personnel training system. It acts not only as a technology for developing the personnel potential of an organization, but also as an element of its corporate culture.

Corporate staff training is popular in enterprises, because it has many advantages, the most important of which is that corporate training programs are created specifically for a particular company and are focused on staff development and preparing it for changes in the organization. At the same time, the management of the company has the opportunity to control the level and volume of employees' knowledge.

Corporate training becomes especially relevant at two stages of the organization's development:

1. When the company is actively growing: the market expands, new offices are opened, and as a result, the number of employees increases. At the same time, the company has already accumulated successful experience in the field of management, work with the client, who has ensured this growth, and this experience must be transferred and maintained. Corporate staff training in this situation will allow achieving a standard level of professionalism that will ensure the production of goods and the provision of services of equal high quality in all branches of the company.

2. When the company is in a stable position, there is a need to create an active environment within the company, which not only accumulates the existing knowledge and skills, but also allows you to quickly learn a new, advanced experience, enhancing the competitive advantages of the company [8].

The objectives pursued in staff training should be closely aligned with the objectives of the organization.

In order to determine the content and the most effective training methods that will best contribute to achieving the goals of the organization and the goals of training, it is necessary to establish the qualitative and quantitative need for training the main categories of employees.

When determining the content, forms and methods of training, one should first of all proceed from the need of the organization for its staff to acquire new knowledge and skills necessary for effective professional activity in order to successfully achieve the goals of the organization.

The content of training should, above all, flow from the challenges facing the company in the short and long term.

Another requirement is the timely updating of the knowledge of workers and the maintenance of a high level of their professional competence [9].

The choice between own training programs prepared and developed in the organization itself, and external programs is not always easy.

It is clear that the company is much better at controlling the content and format of its own programs; if necessary, they can make changes and additions to programs developed by them.

Such programs can more closely link the process and learning outcomes with the interests of the organization, its goals and strategy.

Today, many large firms conduct education and training on their own.

On the other hand, if employees attend courses or seminars organized outside the organization, this opens up new opportunities for them to look at their work and their company from a broader perspective.

Often, training outside the company gives students the opportunity to establish fairly close contacts with representatives of related organizations, share their own experiences and learn from successful findings and successful experiences of their colleagues.

Training outside the organization gives the maximum effect only when its content is closely linked to the goals and strategy of the customer organization, when its results are in demand.

Due to the relatively high cost of external training, Russian companies make extensive use of training outside the organization mainly to train middle and senior managers [10].

To conduct training, it is necessary to make a choice of two alternatives: look for teachers 'on the side' or involve your own teachers in training staff.

If organizations for training and development of personnel do not need training all the time, but from time to time and for a small number of employees, the organization can afford to order this training in specialized organizations working in the field of business education (in some cases, uniting with other organizations).

If the organization is faced with the task of training a large number of workers on a regular basis, it is more expedient to organize the training of our own teachers or invite the relevant specialists (teachers, coaches, instructors) for permanent work.

Many large organizations recruit to work as teachers their own employees with the necessary knowledge and experience.

Modern forms and methods of personnel training will help develop professional knowledge and skills. In the conditions of rapid changes in the production process, highly specialized professional or corporate training has become in demand in organizations that take care of stable development and a prosperous future.

There are a variety of training programs designed for a wide variety of categories of workers - from ordinary staff to senior management.

All the variety of teaching methods used for this can be divided into two large groups:

- methods training outside the workplace;

- training methods in the workplace.

Training outside the workplace is more efficient, but associated with additional financial costs and distraction of the employee from his official duties [11].

At the same time, the environment is consciously changing, and the employee breaks away from daily work.

Training outside the organization, as a rule, concerns managers or highly qualified specialists.

Such training can be accomplished in many directions and in many ways: this is training in specialized centers and institutes for advanced training or through listening to specialized systematic courses.

For many organizations belonging to different fields of activity (trade, services, production, etc.), on-the-job training is the main form of training for new employees.

This method is used to master the necessary skills and familiarize new employees with how to use existing equipment and tools directly in the process of performing professional activities.

On-the-job training is intended not only to transfer to the employee the knowledge necessary for the job, but also to form with him more precise ideas about the content of his professional role, that is, about the requirements that the organization places on his work.

Sometimes on-the-job training takes place in special training areas or in training workshops.

The effectiveness of such training is reduced in the event that the production base on which the training takes place does not correspond to the equipment and tools used in real working conditions [12].

In addition, such training usually does not reproduce some working conditions, such as noise, distraction from other employees and a busy schedule, and the rhythm of work.

On-the-job training as a special training method should be more widely used in cases where:

- workers are trained mainly in the classroom, although the best results could be achieved through on-the-job training;

- in fact, on-the-job training is already carried out spontaneously, it requires only the establishment of order and the documentary and procedural design of this process in accordance with the established requirements for vocational training;

- professional adaptation of new employees can be more effective with a wider use of on-the-job training;

- in organizations, there are already people who, with the appropriate organization of training, can become good teachers (instructors, mentors) for on-the-job training [13].

It should be borne in mind that the analysis of personnel training methods conducted immediately after the completion of a theoretical course does not allow obtaining objective results. Sometimes a new employee needs a long practice in order to apply this knowledge and successfully implement it in production activities. That is why it is so important to assess only after a certain time, and to an employee to secure a mentor who will help to master all the knowledge gained.

Methods of staff training efficiency can be assessed by cumulative effect, when a series of trainings was conducted and employees began to show high production results [14].

For sustainable development, a stable position in the market, industrial enterprises regularly make investments in human capital. The strategic development of the personnel of the enterprise is an integral component of the successful functioning and maintenance of competitiveness. Internal corporate training at an industrial enterprise is a complex system of interrelated elements of personnel training, retraining and advanced training [15].

The system of internal corporate training for enterprises of the industrial complex should be based on information about existing opportunities and an assessment of the future needs of the organization. Regular assessment of corporate training allows you to identify employees with a certain potential, to stimulate the preparation and implementation of personal development plans that meet the interests of employees, as well as the resources and goals of the company. This approach provides the basis for managing the development of an organization's knowledge base. Internal corporate staff training is a reliable guarantee that employees will be loyal to the organization, is the key to personal and professional development of employees, and therefore the company as a whole. Staff development makes employees competitive and forms a higher quality of working life. It is important to note that a well-organized process of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of internal corporate staff training allows you to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the company, to see its hidden reserves and potential employees.


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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №11 - 2019

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