Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel services of Aitas-Energo LLP in terms of integration and adaptation of new employees

Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №10 - 2018

Iskenderova Fatima, PhD, Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan
Vassilchenko Vladislava , Kazakh-American Free University, Kazakhstan

The relevance of the issue of creating and implementing a system of integration and adaptation of new employees is due to the fact that the most important feature of modern management understands human resource has the highest significance in terms of both achieving competitive advantages and prospects strategic development. In general, the issue of a comprehensive study of this system remains insufficiently explored. The practical difficulties of the modern Kazakhstani economy require the research for new approaches and a methodological basis for diagnosing the needs of organizations for new personnel, and for selecting criteria for analyzing and evaluating integration and adaptation.

The general definition of the concept of "adaptation" allows us to define this term as "the adaptation of the organism, individual, collective to changing environmental conditions or to its internal changes, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of their existence and functioning.

Thus, the term "employee adaptation" implies the process of acquiring a correspondence of personal, moral and ethical qualities, communicative skills and professional level to the conditions of work activity and the corporate environment. The corporate environment should be understood as the set of conditions, factors and requirements that are fixed and reflected in the corporate and organizational culture, as well as in the culture of organization management.

The ultimate goal of adaptation is the integration of a new employee. At the same time, adaptation is a set of concrete steps and activities aimed at creating the conditions necessary for the integration of a new employee into the team. While integration is an association during which the individual (the new employee) merges with the team. In general, integration and adaptation are associated and interrelated processes.

Correctly developed personnel policy of the enterprise ensures the effective functioning of the system of integration and adaptation of new employees with the aim of creating a cohesive team ready for successful interaction and achievement of the set goals.

The information base of the research is based on the results of the personnel monitoring of the enterprise Aitas-Energo LLP, the results of the staff questioning, as well as the balance sheet, the profit and loss statement and the charter of Aitas-Energo LLP. In addition, scientific publications, periodical press materials, legislative and regulatory acts of the government bodies were used.

Let’s consider an evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel service of Aitas-Energo LLP.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel service activities of Aitas-Energo LLP in the field of integration and adaptation of new employees can be carried out through the following stages:

1) analysis and evaluation of subjective indicators characterizing the degree of employee satisfaction with activities in the framework of integration and adaptation of new staff;

2) analysis and evaluation of objective indicators, reflecting the loss or effect of the enterprise from the measures for the integration and adaptation of new employees;

3) evaluation of the effectiveness of integration and adaptation of new employees.

It should be noted, there is no systematic planning and implementation of measures to integrate and adapt new employees to Aitas-Energo LLP. Nevertheless, it is necessary to assess subjective and objective indicators for several parameters for the integration and adaptation of new employees:

- social adaptation of new employees;

- professional adaptation of new employees;

- production adaptation of new employees;

- organizational adaptation of new employees;

- economic adaptation of new employees.

Evaluation of subjective indicators of integration and adaptation of new employees was carried out through a survey of experts in the number of 10 people, among them people of personnel department, workshop masters and engineers of Aitas-Energo LLP.

The following parameters are highlighted:

- the answer "Completely satisfied" corresponds to an estimate of +1.0;

- the answer "Satisfied" corresponds to an estimate of +0.5;

- the answer "Hard to say" corresponds to 0.0;

- the answer "Not satisfied" corresponds to - 0.5;

- the answer "Completely dissatisfied" corresponds to - 1.0.

The final values of the satisfaction index can range from +1.0 to -1.0.

In this case, the required characteristics will correspond to the specified ranges of the value of the satisfaction index:

- from +1,0 to +0,6 - high level of adaptation;

- from +0.59 to +0.2 - the average level of adaptation;

- less than +0.19 - low level of adaptation.

The results of the evaluation of subjective indicators of social adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Evaluation of social adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP

Thus, the level of social adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP corresponds to a rating of 0.18, which can be interpreted as a low level of adaptation.

Table 2 shows the results of the survey and a rating of professional adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP.

Table 2. Evaluation of the level of professional adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP

The rating of professional adaptation of new employees to Aitas-Energo LLP is 0.23, which makes it possible to characterize the level of this type of adaptation as average.

The evaluation of the level of production adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Evaluation of the level of production adaptation of new employees

The rating of production adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is 0.42, therefore, the level of production adaptation at the enterprise can be characterized as average.

The evaluation of the rating of organizational adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Evaluation of the level of organizational adaptation of new employees

The level of organizational adaptation is low due to the lack of motivation system for new employees of the enterprise.

The evaluation of the level of economic motivation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Evaluation of the level of economic motivation of new employees

The rating reflecting the level of economic adaptation of new employees is 0.62, therefore, new employees of Aitas Energo LLP adapt quickly to the economic opportunities that the enterprise guarantees to them. But in fact, this factor is insufficient for general integration and adaptation of new personnel in the enterprise.

The total rating of the system of integration and adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP can be determined as the arithmetic mean of the sum of the described rating estimates for each type of adaptation.

The total value of the rating of the system of integration and adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is determined in Table 6.

Table 6. Rating of the system of integration and adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP

The total value of the rating of the system of integration and adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP is 0.3. This allows us to say that the level of the system is at an average or satisfactory level. Weak points in the system of integration and adaptation of new employees of Aitas-Energo LLP are social adaptation (0.18) and organizational adaptation (0.18). Production (0.42) and professional (0.23) adaptation of new employees is considered to be acceptable enough. The most attractive aspects for new employees and young specialists of Aitas-Energo LLP are economic factors and economic adaptation (0.32).

Thus, the number of new employees who passed through all stages of adaptation to Aitas-Energo LLP in the period from 2015 to 2017 increased from 45 to 51 people, while in 2016 this indicator fell sharply and amounted to 13 people. The number of employees accepted for internship at the same time was 52 people in 2015, 61 people in 2016 and 75 people in 2017. The efficiency of integration and adaptation at the enterprise is 86.54% in 2015, 21.31% in 2016 and 68.00% in 2017 respectively.

Considering the conclusion, new suggestions should be developed to reduce the turnover of Aitas-Energo's working personnel and, first of all, the company needs to create and implement a system of integration and adaptation of new employees that will ensure a high level of human resources and stable staffing of the organization.


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Table of contents: The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal №10 - 2018

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